𝘛𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘖𝘯𝘦

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"Granit, what are you-" The words die on Aurora's lips. When she looks up from the paperclip ring, Granit is already on one knee. Aurora's heart starts to thump. A hush falls over the bakery, all her customers watching with bated breath.

"When I first gave you this ring, we were completing a business arrangement. But at some point during the last few months, you became more than a business partner. You became my everything." Granit said. "Granit. You're my everything, too. You have been for a long time." Aurora said.

"When I first proposed to you, this was only meant to be temporary. We'd save our businesses. Then we'd go our separate ways. But I don't want to go separate ways, Ro. I want to go to sleep with you every night, and wake up with you in the morning. I want to fight over who did the dishes, ans bring you breakfast in bed, and spoil you rotten." Granit said.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Kristen said. "You can say that again." Patricia said. "Shush, you two." Granit said with a laugh. He takes Aurora's hands in his. Aurora's heart is racing so fast she can barely breathe. "Will you be my wife, Aurora? My real wife? My forever wife?"

"Of course I want to marry you for real!" Aurora said. Granit scoops her into his arms, spinning her around the room. Their lips meet in a breathless, passionate kiss. "Oh, thank God. That would be so embarrassing if you said no." Granit said.

"Is that why you made sure to propose in public? So I couldn't turn you down?" Aurora asked. "Exactly. Bringing your grandma in was just extra insurance." Granit said. "It worked. I'm marrying you. You're stuck with me now." Aurora said. "You promise?" Granit asked. "I promise." Aurora said.



Now that Aurora and Granit are getting married for real, they have had the time to plan an actual ceremony. It's Kristen's idea to throw the wedding at Granit's gym. Today is the first time they're seeing the gym all decked out.

"Oh my God! This is much better than that first venue." Aurora said. "I have to agree." Aurora spins around in surprise when she hears Granit's familiar deep voice behind her. "Granit! You're not supposed to see me before the ceremony." She said. "Babe, we're technically already married. Remember? This is just for fun." Granit said.

"We're not very traditional, are we?" Aurora said. "Definitely not." Granit said. "That's what I like about us." Aurora runs her hands down Granit's chest, firm beneath the crisp tuxedo jacket. Granit's hand scoops low down Aurora's back, drawing her close. "You look beautiful." He said. "You've already seen me in this dress before. Wedding number one, remember?" Aurora said.

Granit's lips meet hers in a hot, boneless kiss. He whispers against her lips. "Still beautiful. More and more beautiful every day, in fact." From behind them, Kristen emerges from beneath the ring ropes. She's their wedding officiant. All the wedding guests are called over to their seats, and delicate string music cues the beginning of the ceremony.

"I gather you all today to witness the second marriage of the sexiest people in all of London, Aurora and Granit Xhaka. She bakes like a dream, she's got a banging bod, and she's taken the biggest heartthrob in football's history. He's got an accent that melts panties everywhere, he's got fists of fury, and he's a bad boy with a heart of gold."

Granit brings Aurora's hand to his lips, kissing her knuckles. He gives her a wink that makes her blush.

"They're a match made in heaven. And today? These two souls will be bound together not by business arrangement, but by love. Now it's time for a vow exchange. You're up, playboy." Kristen said.

"I'm not going to lie to you all... I never thought I'd be the marrying type. Let alone the type to get married twice. To the same woman. But Aurora's changed me. For the better. I still can't believe I'm the lucky man she chose to spend her life with." Granit said.

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