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"Looks like the match is about to end. Arsenal has taken the lead." Commentator 1 said. The final whistle blows. The whole crowd rise to their feet. "Arsenal have won. They have beaten Newcastle." Commentator 2 said. Arsenal supporters erupt in cheers. Aurora's heart pounds with pride, her eyes beaming with joyful tears. "Oh my God! He did it!" She said. Her and Kristen link hands, jumping up and down with pure euphoria.

Aurora runs forward to congratulate Granit in person, but before she can, he's whisked away down a hallway. "What the hell?" She said. "An interview. They're going to want to interview him after his big win." Kristen said. "Come on. Let's go watch." Kristen leads Aurora down a hallway to the room where they're holding an interview. Dozens of reporters crowd the room, eager to ask Granit their questions.

He's stood behind the podium, wearing his captain armband. His gaze travels the room, landing on her. A little smile comes to his lips. Aurora meets Granit's eyes and gives him a cool wink. Granit's grin widens. "So, Granit. Tell us how it felt when you won." Reporter 1 said. A hushed silence falls over the room as Granit takes the mic. "It felt surreal, to be honest." He said. The room laughs at Granit's charming honesty. He chuckles under his breath.

"Newcastle are a good team. I didn't think we stood a chance, to be honest." Granit said. "But... it looks like I've still got some fight in me." He said. "I can't help but pry into your personal life. The football showbiz's been buzzing with the news of your recent marriage." Reporter 2 said. "What can you tell us about your mysterious new wife?" She asked. "What can I tell you about Aurora Maxwell?" Granit asked.

Aurora's stomach somersaults as Granit's eyes lock with hers. Despite the sea of reporters between them, he only has eyes for her. "She's everything. She looks like a 50s pinup model, she bakes so well it's practically a superpower, and she's my rock." He said. "And best of all? She's all mine. Now, if you'll excuse me... I'd like to go hang out with my wife now." Reporters immediately swarm Granit with more questions as he starts to walk. Kristen drags Aurora to her feet.

"Come on. Let's go to the back door. Otherwise, we'll get stuck in this crazy crowd." She said. Kristen leads the way to the back door to wait for Granit. "I still can't believe he actually won!" She said. "I'm not surprised. He's so talented." Aurora said. "Damn, Ro. You're starting to sound like one of his fangirls." Kristen said. "Oh, God. Don't ever let him hear you say that. His ego's already big enough." Aurora said. Suddenly, a trio of reporters slink out of the shadows. They remind Aurora of a pack of hyenas.

"What a surprise! Look who we found." Tabloid reporter 1 said. 

"The mysterious Aurora Maxwell. The lucky lady who managed to pin down playboy Granit Xhaka." Tabloid reporter 2 said. 

"Tell us, Aurora. What did you think of Granit's performance tonight?" Tabloid reporter 3 said. 

"We've heard from a close source to Granit that you don't actually care about football." Tabloid reporter 1 said. 

"Is that true?" Tabloid reporter 2 asked. 

"Yes, Aurora. Care to comment?" Tabloid reporter 3 said.

"The readers of the Daily Mail are dying to know more about you and your commitment to Granit Xhaka." Tabloid reporter 1 said.

"So tell us. What did you think of tonight's performance?" Tabloid reporter 2 asked.

Their microphones crowd in front of Aurora's face. Adrenaline pounds through her bloodstream. Fuck. I wasn't counting on tabloid reporters. Whatever I say will be all over the internet within minutes. I have to get this right, or else Granit and I are in big trouble! Just as Aurora's about to answer, a familiar face rounds the corner, still glistening with sweat from his match. He catches her eye with a wave, looking a little confused by the reporters crowding her.

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