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"Granit, what are you-" He cuts her off with a kiss. "Oh!" Granit immediately springs away, his fingers to his lips, his eyes as round as coins. "Fuck. Fuck. I'm so sorry, Aurora." He said. "Um... sorry for kissing me?" Aurora asked. "No. It's not that. I liked kissing you, kissing you is amazing, but I shouldn't-" "Oh. I see." Aurora interrupts him. Granit scrubs his hands over his face, pacing the kitchen frantically. "I think maybe some wires are getting crossed." He said.

"Meaning?" Aurora asked. "Meaning I just married you. We went on a honeymoon. We were naked in bed." Granit said. "We didn't do anything." Aurora said. "I know. But... it's hard not to do anything. That's the problem." Granit said. "Granit, slow down. You're freaking yourself out." Aurora said. "We can't let ourselves get confused here, Ro. We got married to stop your uncle from taking our homes and businesses." Granit said.

"Right." Aurora said. "We need to stay focused. Publicly, we're married. We've known each other for years. We're happily in love. But privately? It's- it's-" "Um... a business arrangement?" Aurora said. "Sure. We'll go with that." Granit said. "I'm not sure how else we could describe it." Aurora said. "We're... we're friends. We're friends. Helping each other out." Granit said. He repeats the words "we're friends" as if he's trying to convince himself.

"Plus... remember, I have a thing about when I'm about to have a big match. No sex. No relationships." He said. "Right... you think about sleeping with me a lot, huh?" Aurora said. "Yes. I do." Granit says this so matter-of-factly that it makes Aurora's pulse skip a beat. "How much do you think about it?" She asked. "All the time." Granit said. The edge of the counter presses into Aurora's lower back. Granit takes a step towards her.

The gap between them closes, inch by inch, until he's right in front of her, all six foot four of him. "All... all the time?" Aurora's heart races as Granit's knee edges between her legs. She has to tilt her head back to maintain eye contact with him. "Every fucking second, Aurora." Granit said. His tongue darts out to lick his lower lip, his eyes roaming hungrily over every inch of her face. His gaze flickers down to her mouth, lust flaring in his eyes. "I think about your mouth." He said.

Aurora's throat runs dry as Granit's hips press her into the counter. "That perfect ass of yours in your little apron. That sharp tongue of yours when I say something cheeky. Should I stop, Ro? Tell me to stop and I will." Granit said. His fingertips brush along the curve of her hip, slowly, teasingly. "Otherwise... I'll tell you everything I've fantasized about doing with you." He said. "Granit... don't you dare stop talking. Tell me your fantasies." Aurora said.

"Oh, yeah?" Granit asked. His knee slips further between her legs, parting her thighs to make room for him. He pins her against the counter. "Keep talking, Granit." Aurora said. "You like my voice?" Granit asked. Aurora bites savagely into her lip. Just from the sound of his voice. "Or the filthy things I'm saying?" Granit asked. "Let's call it a delicate combination of the two." Aurora said. A wicked grin crosses Granit's face when he hears the hoarse quality of her voice.

His accent is rougher than ever, deep into her ear. "You're full of surprises." Aurora said. "And I always deliver." Granit said. Their mouths are just a breath away from a kiss, staring each other down, anticipating the other's move. But suddenly, Granit breaks away, scrubbing his fingers over his head. "Fuck. I never should've started this... we can't, Aurora." He said. "Granit, you're right. We have to maintain boundaries." Aurora said.

"I've never been much good at those. But we have to try." Granit said. And with that, Granit disappears into his bedroom for a shower. Aurora finishes unpacking, her heart still racing from the encounter.


Over the next few days, Aurora and Granit barely see each other. Aurora's swamped at the bakery. And Granit's been training for his upcoming match almost nonstop. "Kristen, table five is still waiting for their cupcake order. Where are they?" Aurora said. "Sorry! Coming!" For the third day in a row, the line at The Sweet Spot has been out the door. Ever since Granit gave her bakery a shoutout in his social media post about her, customers have been pouring in from all directions.

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