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Fearing the worst, Aurora walks down the corridor and knocks on the door. "Granit. Baby, it's me." She said. "Aurora?" Granit said. "Is it okay if I come in?" Aurora asked. There's a long, tense pause before Aurora finally hears Granit's voice. "Come in." Granit looks up at Aurora as she enters, his eyes raw.

"What are you doing here?" Suddenly, his face becomes hard, almost angry. "Did Albert send you here? He did, didn't he? I told him I'm fine." He doesn't look fine. His eyes are red-rimmed, and there's a tremble in his voice. Aurora's never seen him like this before. So broken. So vulnerable.

Aurora sets the packed lunch down on the desk, and Granit stares at her in confusion. "I just thought you might want something to eat." Aurora said. Granit looks at the picnic basket she brought him in confusion. His face softens. All the walls he put up fall away, leaving just him. Aurora's heart aches.

"Granit. Will you eat with me?" Aurora asked. "Please?" She gives him a smile. Granit attempts a tiny, sad smile of his own. "How are you so good at that?" He asked. "At what?" Aurora asked. "You just... you always know what to say to me." Granit said. He's shaking. Aurora moves to the edge of his desk, bending so they're at eye-level.

"Will you talk to me? I want to help." She said. But instead of talking, Granit reaches for something on his desk and presses it into Aurora's hands. It's a piece of mail. Aurora opens the envelope carefully, revealing what's inside. It's an invitation to the Euros. In Switzerland. Aurora's heart begins to pound.

"Granit, oh my God! You did it! You qualified! Wait, why are you sad?" She said. "This is the best news ever! This is what you've been working so hard for!" Granit looks at her. "I know." He said. But rather than looking excited, Granit's face just grows more serious and withdrawn. "I'm not ready." Granit abruptly gets up from his desk, putting distance between her.

He scrubs his hands over his face. He looks like he's on the verge of a panic attack. "I can't do this, Aurora. They made a mistake. I'm... I'm broken-" His voice cracks miserably. That's when Aurora sees the leg of his pants is rolled up, revealing the brutal scar. "I-I can't do this." His voice is barely more than a raspy whisper. Slowly, Aurora closes the distance between them.

He reminds me of a wild animal. All he wants, deep down, is someone he feels safe with. Someone who will be gentle with him. Someone he can trust. He's been hurt so many times. My husband needs me. Aurora takes Granit's face in her hands, running her thumbs over his cheeks. "Look at me, baby."

Granit's eyes meet hers. His beautiful eyes swim with vulnerability. Ever so slowly, Aurora lifts onto her tiptoes, closing the gap between them. Granit's eyes flutter shut. The moment their lips finally meet, Aurora can feel Granit's muscles so slack with relief. His arms curl around her waist, holding her close.

"Listen to me, Granit Xhaka. You are the strongest, bravest person I know. You can do anything. You've come so far. You've proven everyone wrong. And you're going to win the Euros." Aurora holds Granit's face firmly in her hands, staring deep into his eyes. Finally, a little light begins to shine through. A smile begins to spread across his face, like a breaking dawn. "You always know what to say." He said.

"I believe in you, Granit. You're not broken. You're a survivor. Okay?" Aurora said. In answer, Granit sweeps her into his arms again, his lips meet hers in a half kiss, half smile. Once they're done kissing the living days out of each other, Granit finally sets her down, looking ten times better than he did before.

"Can we please eat now? I'm starving." Aurora said. With a laugh, they both dive in. Granit's clearly just as hungry as Aurora is. She digs through the fruit salad she packed. "Ooh, look what I found. My favourite fruit." She said. "Ah, the cherry. Dare I say, the sexiest fruit?" Granit said. Aurora brings the cherry to Granit's full, gorgeous mouth. His lips part, accepting the cherry between his teeth.

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