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After a long flight, Aurora and Granit find themselves sitting opposite her uncle, Richard, and her cousin, Nathan, in a giant courtroom. Richard narrows his eyes at Aurora. "I see you and your husband managed to show up." He throws cynical air quotes around the word husband. Aurora levels him with a cold glare.

"That's right. And we're going to make you look like a fool." Aurora said. "I highly doubt that." Nathan said. "Why don't we let the judge decide?" Granit said. "He's a good friend of mine. I think the odds are definitely in my favor." Richard said. "I hope you brought those divorce papers, Granit."

Ugly, matching sneers curl across both Richard and Nathan's faces. Under the table, Granit squeezes Aurora's hand reassuringly. Their lawyer Talia, ever the professional, takes their side. "Don't let them get to you." She said. The judge bangs his gavel, drawing everyone's attention to the front of the room.

"Will the defendants bring their evidence to the front." He said. Talia carries over the box full of detailed love letters and holiday cards Aurora and Granit wrote to each other. The judge begins to rifle through them, impressed. "Wow, Richard, you say this marriage is illegitimate? These love letters tell a different story." He said.

"L-love letters? What?" Richard stutters. "Is there any more evidence on your side, Talia?" The judge asked. Talia brings up a second box, full of gifts Aurora and Granit bought each other. The judge looks inside. "Wow. These are some of the nicest gloves I've ever seen. I don't think any couple would go to this much effort if they weren't really together." He said.

"Do you think we've done enough?" Granit asked. "Yes. I'm confident." Aurora said. "Good. So am I." Granit said. Next, Talia brings up their marriage license, bank statements, and other paperwork. Aurora's heart jackhammers as the judge studies everything carefully. The courtroom is so silent she could hear a pin drop.

Finally, the judge looks at Aurora and Granit in the eyes. His face is unreadable. "Before I make my decision, I want to hear statements from both of you." He said. "From... us? Like... on the stand?" Aurora asked. "That's correct." The judge said. "Okay. I'll go first." Granit said.

Granit looks confident and fearless as he gets to his feet. He catches Aurora's eye. Aurora blows him a kiss. Granit winks back at her. He settles confidently behind the witness stand and begins to speak.

"I want to go back to the first moment I laid eyes on Aurora. She was standing behind the counter of the bakery that is near my gym. Normally I never eat sugar, but when I saw that sweet smile behind the counter, I knew I'd break every rule for her." Granit's gaze never leaves from Aurora's. Butterflies kick and swarm in her chest.

"She was funny, she was charming, she teased me even better than my best friends, who have known me for years. It was almost eerie. I barely knew her, but she already felt like home. Some things are just meant to be, I guess. That's how it is with me and Aurora." The judge leans back in his chair, deeply impressed.

"No matter what universe we're in... I think me and Aurora are just destined to end up together." Granit finished off. "Wow. I'm not normally one to get swept up in things, but that was a hell of a speech, I must say." The judge said. "Now I'd like to hear from Aurora Maxwell."

Aurora's heart is thumping, her and Granit exchange seats. She settles behind the defendant's desk. Granit and Talia both give her confident nods. They're counting on her. I can't mess this up. It all comes down to me. "Aurora?" The judge asked.

"I also want to go back to the beginning. I'll never forget the first day I met Granit Xhaka. Normally, I like to think of myself as a cool-headed person. Difficult to impress. But when it comes to Granit? I was charmed from the very first moment. I knew he was different." Aurora said.

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