Chapter 2

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Onix's POV
We ate then went to brush our teeth again. We grabbed our things then headed out to Makayla's car. We hopped in and put our seatbelts on. I turned around to look at Winter.

"Ready girl? It's your last day as a kindergartener."

"I'm ready!"

I smiled and she smiled back. I turned around and Makayla started driving. I hooked my phone up to the car. I started playing music. Me and Winter started singing along. I looked at Makayla and saw a little smile.

We got to the elementary school and Makayla parked at the entrance. Me and Winter hopped out. She grabbed her things then I walked her up to the front door.

She hugged me.

"Bye Aunt Nix!"

"Bye Winnie! Call me if you need anything."

"I love you!"

"I love you too!"

I kissed the top of her head. I watched her wander to where her class was lined up. I watched her get to her best friend.

I turned around and ran back to the car. I hopped in and Makayla started driving.

"She's okay. She found Debbie."

We got to the high school and I hopped out of the car.

"Bye Kayla. I'll call you or Jen if I need anything."

I walked into the building then went to my locker. One of my friends walked up to me.


"Hi Pricilla!"

"You're here early."

"Yeah. I know. Win woke me up. She wanted to have breakfast with me."

"You are such a great person. You'll be an amazing mom."

I smiled.

"Thanks Cilla. That means a lot to me."

I opened my locker and went back to cleaning it out.

"Your locker always looks adorable."

"Thank you. Winnie likes helping decorate it with me."

"You let a 5 year old decorate your locker?"

"Yeah. What's wrong with that? She's very creative. You should see how pretty her room looks."

The bell rang and we walked to class. The last day of school came around pretty quickly. I walked out to Makayla's car and hopped in.

"Aunt Nixie Nix!"

I turned around and saw Winter in the back seat.

"Hey kiddo. How was school?"

"Pretty good."

We went home and started to finish packing. The front door opened and we immediately knew who it was.

Winter jumped up and ran.


I watched her jump into his arms.

"Hi my little bug. How are you?"

"I'm good!"

"Hey Jenny."

"Oh! Hey! How was your day?"

"Ya know....pretty boring."

He chuckled.

"Damn....I forgot how boring the last few days of school are."

We went to the store and grabbed some snacks for the drive down to the beach.

The next day, I woke Winter up early in the morning.

"Hey Winter? It's time to go on vacation."

She jumped up. We all got ready then put everything in the car. We got in and Jensen started driving. Me and Winter started singing along to the radio.

She yawned after a while. She put her head on my shoulder and I wrapped one of my arms around her. She nuzzled up against my shoulder.

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