Chapter 15

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Onix's POV
Weeks later....

I found myself pacing around the bathroom while holding a pregnancy test.

He's gonna kill me...

If it's positive!

He'll kick me out!

I'll lose him!


It's positive!

I'm fucked!

I'm happy and scared!!

Felix knocked on the bathroom door.

"Uh are you okay? You've been in there for a while."

"I-I'm okay! I-I'm coming out now!"

I decided to hide it from him. I kept the test in my backpack in the box. I was just too scared to tell him.

I was worried about getting yelled at. I know he could tell something was wrong.

On his 19th birthday...I was getting something out of my backpack when the box accidentally fell out. I went to pick it up but it was too late. He already saw it.

He picked the box up and tilted his head to the side.

"Where'd this come from?"

He opened the box. My heart started racing. He reached in the box and pulled the pregnancy test out.  I was starting to get ready to get yelled at.

He smiled instead of yelling at me.

"Is this why you've been acting strange for a few weeks now?"

"Please don't leave me!"


I started crying.

"I-I know we started talking about this but...but..."

He used his finger to lift my head up.

"You need to breathe before you hurt the baby."

"Y-you're not mad?"

"No. I'm happy. Look at me and breathe."

I started trying to relax. He grabbed me and started hugging me.

"Did I do something that scared you?"

"No! I-it wasn't you. I-it was all me. I'm-I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's okay. Wanna know what I'm thinking now?"

"Shotgun wedding?"


That happened 2 weeks later.

It felt....

Awkward walking into school once I went back.

I kept my arm wrapped around my stomach.

I had "Speak Now" lyrics in my head the moment I walked in.

"Horrified looks from everyone in the room. All eyes on me."

I hurried to my locker. Michelangelo and Leonardo found me.

"Is this awkward for you guys too?"

"Probably less than it is for you."

"True. I'm the one who's gonna graduate married and pregnant."

"Okay that's also true."

"How's the little one doing?"

"She's okay. Lix is definitely gonna be obsessed with her. You should see how adorable he's been. He comes home everyday with little toys."

"He's shopping without you?"

"Kinda. I do go shopping with him. We already have the crib and changing table set up. We found ones that we liked and he went back a few days ago to grab them."

"Does he do all this before or after work?"

"Bit of both. They've been really understanding with everything."

"That's good."

"I'm pretty shocked my brother isn't mad."

"Yeah...we all are."

I shrugged.

"'s Sally?"

"She's good."

"And the little one?"

"He's good. He's almost here."

"Are you mentally prepared yet?"

"I have no idea. These 9 months flew by quickly."

"Well...little Rhodes'll have her first best friend."

"What last name are you using for the rest of the year?"

"I'm gonna go with "Cross". After I graduate, I'll be using "Rhodes" for the rest of my life."

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