Chapter 18

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                                 Felix's POV
She grabbed her backpack and went to the dining room. She put her backpack on the table then sat down. She put her feet up on another chair.

"What happened to you resting?"

"I have homework."

"H-how much?"

"History and English."

"Please fucking rest after you're done."

"I will. Don't worry."

"Ugh. What do you want for dinner?"

"You can pick. I don't care."

"Is steak okay?"


After dinner, we got ready for bed then laid down. As always...she got her snuggles.

"Goodnight. I love youuuuu!"

"Goodnight. I love you too. Goodnight Rosalia. I love you too."

I woke up before Onix. I went and started making breakfast. I carefully woke her up.

"Darling? Breakfast is ready."

She nodded then sat up.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Okay. I always sleep better when we snuggle."

She got up and hugged me. I kissed the top of her head. We sat down and started eating breakfast. She slowly fully woke up.

"Is my drink bottle clean?"

"Yeah. I put water and ice in it for you already."

I handed her drink bottle to her. We got in the car and I started driving her to school.

"Before you get you have your phone?"

She looked around and then checked her purse.

"Yep. I got it."

"Okay. I'll pick you up at 11:30 so you can run home and change. You'll have time to sit and relax for a bit too. I love you. Have a good morning. I'll see you in a few hours."

I kissed her forehead.

"I love you too. I should've rested yesterday."

"Can you do that when we get home?"


She took her seatbelt off then got out of my car.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Can we go get me chicken tenders?"

"Is that what you want or what Rose wants?"

"Possibly both."

I chuckled.

"Sure. We can go get you chicken tenders."

Her face lit up.

"Yay! Okay bye!"

She turned around then started running. I started rolling the window down.

"Don't run!"

She put up her middle finger. I chuckled again.


I love that little shit.

I rolled the window back up and started driving. I got to the mall then parked. I got out of my car then locked it. I walked in and went to the store, I work at.

"What time do you want me here on Saturday?"

"Normal time."

When it was time to pick Onix up, I hit the buzzer next at the entrance of the school. I waited for the door to unlock. I opened it when it unlocked. I walked into the main office.

"Hi. Can you call Onix down for me? She's going to the doctor."

"She's in the cafeteria. I can call her down or you could go get her really quickly."

"Okay. I'll go get her."

I signed her out of school then went to the cafeteria. I opened the left door and walked in. I saw her actually talking to people.

I walked up to her table.

"Hey you."

She picked her head up.


She jumped up and hugged me. I helped her pack up her things.


I picked up her backpack and we started walking to the car.

"Were they new friends?"

"No. It's just some people that I sit with at lunch only."

"Ah. So lunchbox friends?"

"I guess you could say that."

We got to the car and I opened the door for her. We went to a restaurant to eat after the doctor's appointment.

"I'm glad she's okay still."

"You thought she wouldn't be?"

"Oh no. I'm not saying that. It's just relaxing knowing that there's nothing wrong."

"You're right. It is."

At home, she went to our room and laid down.

                                Onix's POV
It felt great to lay down. I put my feet up on a pillow and started watching tv. When Rosalia was born, you could already see that Felix was wrapped around her tiny fingers.

"Hi my little princess."

Once we got home....we were able to make a routine.

"Are you'll be okay on your own?"

"I'm sure."

"I-I can probably take off for another day."

"Lixie Lix...go to work. If anything happens...I will call you. I can do this."

He kissed me then kissed Rosalia's forehead. When it was just me and her...I went to the couch. I took my shirt off and put her on my chest.

I grabbed the tv remote and found something to watch. She started crying so I slowly sat up.

It took a minute to figure out what she needed. After I changed her diaper, I put her on the floor and started playing with her.

She looks like Felix.

She's a mini Felix.

She'll probably act like him too.

"You are too adorable."

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