Prologue / Who is she?

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Even though his real name is Nocturn, he didn't like it. At least, it didn't connect with him like the name 'Shadow' did.

For years since he was just a little hoglet, the same girl in that blue dress showed up in his dreams. Never did a night go by where she didn't appear. And they weren't just some sort of cameo, either. No, it was the exact same dream every night. She would appear, bleeding on the floor. He was encased in glass. The girl always said something along the lines of, "Please, Shadow...give them a chance to be happy..."

In every dream, Shadow would yell out something along the lines of "M..ia!" For some odd reason, it was always blurred and distorted. He never told his family the name he preferred. He didn't want to mention anything mildly related to his sweven.

But recently, he started seeing her when he was awake as well.

At first, they were just reflections in the mirror; Shadow would see her faint, transparent figure standing beside him. But anytime he turned around, she disappeared.

Until he heard her voice again. After a few months of this, he decided he wanted answers. This is more than some weird dream, this is something else entirely. He wanted to communicate with this ghost.


Chapter 1/prologue finished! ik I'm starting another story, but I just couldn't resist this idea argh-- I will be writing more obv!!

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