1st chapter / Gloves and shoes

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"Shadow! Meet... grandpa!" Her words were distorted and cut off; this always happened anytime she tried to say--or do-- something that didn't take place in the recurring dream.

The ghostly figure seemed to beckon to Shadow, prompting him to follow her. It was rare for this girl, whom he dubbed "Mia", to stick around for longer than 5 seconds. He wouldn't let this opportunity pass.

Mia headed off towards a spot he knew very well. It was his favorite place to think: a field of violet and blue flowers.

But Mia didn't seem interested in the flowers. Well, Mia never seemed to be 'aware' of the world surrounding her. Any of the things she did say were never related to what was happening in real life. She was... detached, somehow.

Slightly disappointed, but still curious, Shadow followed.

Mia headed through a thicket he always noticed, but never crossed. He'd heard horror stories of children disappearing through those woods when they got too reckless and wandered off.

Mia rambled off about different things Shadow didn't recognize, or even see. She kept mentioning something about an "ark", which always struck a chord with him. He just didn't know how, or in what way.

Shadow walked after her for a few minutes before they reached a secluded area he had never seen before. It was in ruins, indicating a terrible tragedy. The trees dwindled out around the massive crater in front of him. Clearly, no one discovered or returned to this place, as there weren't any footsteps or signs of life.

Mia turned around and waved to the massive crater before speaking. "Shadow... grandpa. Grandpa... Shadow." Mia glanced up and smiled, then disappeared again. If her grandpa was here, he didn't want to know where.

Shadow hesitantly stepped toward the crater. He looked down, and in it, he saw a pair of gloves, shoes, and gold bangles. They all seemed to have been affected by whatever happened here, as they had tears and holes burned into them.

Still, Shadow felt pulled to them. He reached for the gloves first, carefully slipping one on. The glove was more of a few bits of fabric hanging together, but they fit--and didn't fall apart, miraculously. He put on the other, which was in a similar condition.

Shadow snatched one of the rusted bangles and snapped it into place over the left glove. He did the same with another one of the large ring-shaped bracelets. It felt weird having all this weight on his hands, yet it felt natural too. As if he had been wearing these his entire life.

He snuck a look at the shoes. Upon closer inspection, they appeared to have small 'engines' on the soles. He reached for them and slipped them on. He put on the dented bangles over them as well.

Shadow admired his new attire. Granted, they weren't in the best shape, but he could probably replace some parts. He felt much more at ease wearing them.

Now he just needed to find a way home.

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