7th chapter / Breaking routine

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This was the first time he ever saw her eyes. Sure, he knew she had them--but they were somehow always obscured. 

This was the first time she ever acknowledged anything, much less him. 

He didn't have that specific dream tonight. Instead, he found himself in a field of flowers. It felt ethereal and peaceful. 

"Hey, Shadow." A soft voice spoke, but this time, it wasn't distorted, blurred, or panicked. It felt even more ghostly than before as if it came from a distant angel.

He turned around and saw Maria, but she wasn't in her usual blue blood-stained dress. Instead, she wore a thin white dress that flowed in some wind he couldn't feel. It looked to be almost glowing and sparkling. 

Her eyes shone a bright, light blue. He could almost lose himself in the depth of them. 

"Finally, after over 50 years, I got to feel the grass and trees--kind of." Maria giggled to herself. Shadow didn't understand what was so funny. 

And 50 years? She didn't look a day over 12.

Shadow felt as if there was something he was supposed to know that he didn't. It almost felt as if Maria was speaking a foreign language he wasn't familiar with but should be.

Maria smiled softly at him. "It's been a while, huh?" 

All that did was fill him with more confusion.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

Maria's face feel in disappointment. 


"...I was hoping you'd remember, but I guess it makes sense you don't..." Maria spoke sadly. 

Shadow felt guilty. He didn't intend to make her cry...

He walked over to the silent girl and sat down next to her.

After a few moments, he spoke. 

"...I don't know who exactly you think I am, but... I'm sure whoever it is is a lovely person. I'm sorry they're not here."

Maria glanced at him and smiled again (albeit a smaller, more sad one.) 

"Yeah, he was great. I just wish I wasn't forced to leave him so soon. I know it caused him a lot of grief."

"I'm sure he knows you care for him."

Maria sniffled.

"I'm sure he does too."

Shadow smiled back. 

"If you do ever meet him again, send him my regards."

She looked slightly amused. 

"Will do."


"Where am I?"

"Hey, Shadow."

There was Maria, in a flowing white dress. She had a blue flower in her hair.

"Maria!" He ran to her and hugged her. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders (he was too short for a standard human hug). 

"Why... What is this place? I thought you were dead..." 

Maria was silent for a moment. He feared the answer.

"I am."

Oh no.

"Does that mean I'm...?" Shadow trailed off, not wanting to admit it.

Maria smiled sadly. "I'm afraid so." 

Shadow thought for a second.

He remembered getting impaled and his vision fading to black. The very last thing he felt was a burning sensation coursing throughout his body.

"Sonic... Tails...! I need to return!" 

"I'm afraid you can't right now, Shadow. But you will when the moment's right. Your time isn't over yet." 

Shadow looked up at Maria's pained face. 

"But when is my time?"

"Soon. But for now, you'll stay with me."


I think this is my fave chapter. feel free to ask questions!!

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