2nd chapter / Fixing what was broken

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If Shadow wanted to wear these, he needed to fix them.

He started with the gloves. He had a bit of sewing knowledge. Not a lot, but most likely just enough to get the job done. First, he sought to clean them. The gloves were covered in dirt and had a few small pebbles that managed to ease through the holes. He emptied the gloves and carefully cleaned off the dirt, making sure not to potentially weaken the fabric. He then rummaged around for any spare white fabric he might have to patch the holes with.

He managed to find a bit of pure white fabric that his mother gave him when he was 10--just in case he ever needed the skill of sewing. The gift came with an hour-long lesson on the basics, but he hadn't touched a needle since that day.

Next, he moved to work on the boots. He had a bit of engineering knowledge from high school. Hopefully, it was enough to fix these peculiar shoes.

The design of these was like nothing he had ever seen before. It was complicated and lightweight at the same time. He needed some obscure materials if he wanted to repair them.


He did a bit of searching online before finding materials similar enough to what was needed. The issue is that they are all distributed by a shady third-party seller.

He could pull this off if he was careful enough...


Shadow hoped his quills weren't a dead giveaway as to who he was-- as far as he knew, he was the only person on Mobius with such a unique quill style. He prayed the cloak covered it enough.

"Here are the items you wanted--old resources taken from the infamous Space Colony ARK!" The vendor pointed to some scrap metal laid out on a table.

Images of cold, metal corridors flashed through Shadow's mind. He didn't know why this "ark" was so familiar.

The vendor cleared his throat, snapping Shadow out of his trance.

"Uhm, how much did you say they were?"

"80 bucks apiece." The man smiled greedily. Shadow reluctantly took out his wallet and purchased a few of the old scraps.


Shadow stepped away proudly and admired his work. After an hour of tinkering, he still didn't understand how the engines functioned, but it was a start. He could walk in them. 

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