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I nuzzled into his neck, nibbling on it, he caressed my frame. "Let me touch you more," whispering in his ear, taking a long suck on his lips, I turned around and sat on his clothed length.

I moved my hips on it, he groaned. I teased him more while I was panting and rubbing myself more on him.

My eyes got shut feeling him. My knees got weak and shaky. I was not just teasing him but was making us more and more fucking horny for each other.

He was not lying when he said to be prepared to feel the tremors. It's been minutes since my whole body is quivering with his intense touches.

No one ever touched me like this, I never allowed anyone. I am doing it with the man I only dreamt of. His touch is so intoxicating and insane.

He slipped down both straps from my shoulder and hugged me from behind, he licked and kissed my back. Though I have scars on my back he kissed there more.

"Should I make a better place for you to sit.. hah? you want me to strip for you..say it, beautiful!!" his other remark, now started leaking me down more. He understands me so damn much.

"I want you to strip for me.." I said. He was wincing in pain down there, I felt him hard and tight. I made a room for him, placing my hands on his thighs, lifting up my hips as he lowered his underwear, tugging me back, making me sit on his erection.

It fired up my heat like blazing fire. I quivered feeling his warm hard length pulsating and throbbing on my flesh and heated place. The AC was making no use for us.

"Ahh..this f-feels..aghh.." I couldn't complete the euphoric feeling in words, this was so new and pleasuring.

"Feels good..yeah.. you're doing good," he whimpered, pressing my clothed breast while I lowered his short fabric down.

Kisses licks kisses licks kisses over my back.

I can't wait to taste him more. I turned around to face him. His gaze darkened just like mine. My hand slowly went down on his erection, eliciting soft moan from him.

I made a grip on his hardened length that caused him to shut his eyes. I gently squeezed his shaft and stroked him up and down.  

"Ohh fuckk !! You're doing so good yn!!" He encouraged me, caressing my face. I could feel the strangled gasp caught in my throat when he suddenly pulled me into a kiss, his cherry lips crashed on mine for an eager kiss.

I dropped to my knees after eating his lips and licked his leaking tip, moving my hand back and forth. His hands made a strong grip on sheets due to my stroking and licking.

"Grip on me Mr. Jeon.." I teased while giving a long lick on his dick, tasting salty precum.

Our lustful gazes met again, his face was tensed with desire just like mine, it was like we both knew how this had been going to turn out. "Fuck.." he gasped and stood up.

He looked ethereal, his everything was so enchanting, alluring and surreal. "Beautiful.." his fingers ran across my face and I licked them.

"Suck on my fingers," he slid his two fingers into my mouth, I sucked on while my one hand was pumping his dick softly, he groaned.

Pulling back, "Call me beautiful after this" I giggled and opened my mouth wide, I  took his dick into my mouth and began sucking. Massaging his balls I gave long hard sucks. 

"Shit!! Yn why you're so good.. ahh.. damnn.." his head threw back and his dick was pulsating, i felt his veins protruding and muscles tightening inside my mouth.

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