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Jimin tried to touch her but she was shrugging off without batting an eye at him

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Jimin tried to touch her but she was shrugging off without batting an eye at him. He seized Yn's hand, made her sit on a bench as she was lost in thoughts.

Kneeling down before her as his people started exchanging befuddled glances amongst each other as one girl took out something from her handbag, her gaze fixed on Yn's face.

He took hold of her feet. Her tears were dropping down abundantly as few dripped onto his hand. Grazing his fingertips on the plantar surface of her feet, removing tiny shards embedded in them.

Pouring water from a bottle handed to him by his men, he carefully washed her feet. He took off his blazer to delicately cleanse them, using the fabric to dab away the dirt from her feet.

He then had one of the females remove her shoes and put them on Yn. He sighed. "Don't tell me you didn't feel pain walking in splinters. strong women also feel pain and they do cry." She disregarded it by murmuring "pain.." *scoff*

"You think people inside this premise are better than us? No! You did great, he really needed that wake-up call.. He can't do whatever he wants. now..come!" He tried to distract her mind so she wouldn't regret shooting at Jungkook and handed her a moist towelette passed to him by a female.

Removing the makeup stains on her face, she got up and walked two steps. There were 8-9 big cars already loaded with men who were outside and they both were surrounded by 7-8 men as they led her to the car parked in the middle of those.

Opening the door, she gave a glance at Jimin "If I can shoot on Jungkook, then you're a piece of cake for me.. better if you don't play games like him," she forewarned, prodding the gun on his side waist, she decided to go with Jimin to take her vengeance on Jungkook.

He nodded in laughter, "don't worry Ms Chang... I also don't believe in playing games. That's why I married at a young age and that's why I didn't betray my Godfather like Jungkook," he answered persuasively, as she sat inside the car without showing any expression and they departed.

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Namjoon and Eva rushed to Jungkook hearing the things, "oppaa!" she started crying, staring at the blood as the doctor was treating his hand.

"I'm fine sweetie! It's alright.. come here.." Jungkook reassured her. After the doctor bandaged his hand, he dismissed all his men from the room, leaving only Eva and Namjoon. Eva took the ointment and applied on his bruised lips while sobbing.

"I think I made a mistake by coming over here.. I never saw you becoming so vulnerable but today all happened because of me.." she cried holding his injured hand. He clutched her hand despite the discomfort in his hand.

"I can even die for you. I've lived my life with you as my guiding star. I ascended to the throne for you. Who told you that you're my weakness? You're the one who continually reminds me of my humanity," Jungkook consoled her.

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