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On the other side —

Someone was bandaging her head when Yn opened her eyes slowly. Her ear perked up with the sound of dripping water indicating the proximity of a bathroom.

Her blurry vision as she was moving her orbs around was giving her the glimpses of a small couch, chair, small tv and the basic amenities a small household keeps. This place was different from before, nobody knows.

Hands that were treating her, were now around her neck slowly moving. The owner of those hands bent down and whispered in her ear, "Good evening, Ms Violent. You woke up so soon. What did your dad or husband feed you? The rumors circulating about you seem to hold some truth." A sinister chuckle accompanied the gentle caress of her hair.

Responding with a serene smile, Yn initiated a dangerous game. "I might consider sparing you. Let's strike a deal. You seem smart." Yn starts to manipulate him in her own way that was going to be cheap but safest.

He was not naive but wanted to hear her offer. He came in front of her as he dragged one chair and sat on it before her. He gestured to her to continue.

"That woman has no back except you. But I rule 450 people right now. Beside them, I have more power, status and what not. Believe me, Jungkook will be here in no time. He has many ways to reach me and he won't show any mercy if you mess with me.. think wisely," Yn continued to explain her side of things as she was slowly moving on her spot.

Yn's movements were minimal but calculated, subtly attempting to loosen the constraints binding her.

Tied hands and feet lay in proximity, allowing her to retrieve a small knife hidden in her boot. Seizing a moment of distraction, As Marco glanced at her movements she quickly spat out, "water.. I need water. I'll explain it in detail and I'll give you more than what I am offering you right now," she requested water, masking her true intentions with an innocent demeanor. He chuckled.

"I get why King and Mr. Park are crazy about you. Your actions can sway anyone," he remarked. Yn, panicking a little, concealed it behind a smile. Unknowingly falling into Yn's web of manipulations, he moved to fetch water. She began cutting the duct tape around her feet, groaning to mask the sound.

"Ah, my head is still spinning..." she hissed. Marco started having unsolicited thoughts as he heard her. When he came back to her, she had almost cut the duct tape, leaving it slightly attached.

With a seductive tone, she sighed, "Ahh, I'm so thirsty," gesturing toward the water. He obliged, guiding her through each sip, droplets lingering on her chin. Their eyes locked, deep breaths accompanying each gulp.

He tossed the glass aside, Marco seized her hair, cautioning, "What are you planning, Ms. Violent? Beware of the aftermath."

"Ahhh, I was really thirsty. Let's negotiate!" she proposed as he pulled another chair as Yn quickly slid the knife under her sleeve, securing it beneath her bracelet. He gripped her arm, forcing her to stand and shoving her onto the chair.

"Let's proceed!" Marco declared, met with a confident smile.

Pulling out the knife, she meticulously cut the strong binds on her hands. "Listen! I don't know if you're after power or wealth, but I'll make sure to—" Her words were interrupted by Marco's laughter.

She understood it's not easy to persuade or manipulate him. He seemed loyal but his previous response to her sultry act was saying something else.

"I have all I need to survive. What more can you offer, Ms.? Something immediate, perhaps?" he smirked, and Yn, deciphering his clue, understood his desires.

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