1:the start

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seonghwa pov:

'fuck'. I muttered while running out of the bus. I just had to get the dates messed up.

it was currently the first day of the new term. seonghwa transferred schools due to a reason no one knew about except for hongjoong. he has known him for as long as he can remember. he bumped into him on his first day of elementary school and they've been an iconic duo ever since. with hongjoong as the talkative one and seonghwa as the more calm and composed one. after what happened he has never wanted to open up to someone. but he still had his close friends ofc. and they were in a gang called ateez. oh yea seonghwa is in a gang, the things they do may not be the best or even legal but it's his way of letting off some steam. well most of the time.

back to seonghwa pov.

I was running to my new collage when I saw a girl and boy arguing. more like the guy arguing with the girl since the girl looked like she didn't give a single fuck. the girl was around 5'7 and she had short shoulder length hair at the front and long red hair at the back. which completes her fierce aura. she also had a necklace with a ring through it and piercings on her ears. but I could only see half of her face. due to her hair covering the other side.

'why didn't u answer me? I thought we were something. I helped u with all ur assignments and you're not texting or replying my calls? who tf do u think u are?' he slapped her.

she caught his wrist and said.
'idk what you're thinking but I don't give a single fuck about u.'

she let go of his wrist then kicked him to the curb when she looked up she accidentally made eye contact with me. getting her to get up and look me up and down. not letting go of her strong stare.

the wind blew straight at her giving me a glimpse of her whole face.

'shit you're late, snap out of it.' I thought as I continued running.

inside home room.

ms Kim: so ive been told we have a new student and he's name is-

I knocked on the door and I heard a 'come in'. I opened the door and once I stepped in all eyes were on me. I let my grey hair drop to the side of my face and then I bowed to the teacher.

Ms Kim: are u the new student?
I nod my head while breathing slowly trying to catch my breath. I looked up and I saw a lot of people staring. mostly the girls. they looked hungry while the guys looked furious. I DIDNT care though.

Ms kim: right on time i was about to introduce u to the class.
ms Kim: anything to add on?
"park seonghwa"
Ms Kim: okay um u can take a sit at the back beside umm wait where's yn?
yena: maybe that bitch finally died.
Ms kim: mind Ur words. or else detention.
yena: I'm so sorry. she said in a mockery tone.
Ms kim: seonghwa u can take a sit at the back next to the empty chair.

I nod and go take my seat but then that girl came and blocked my way.

"hey sexy, wanna hang out with me? after all you're new. I can help u around."
she then poked my chest after that while putting her hair behind her ear.

I was disgusted at her actions more than whatever she said but I didn't wanna waste my voice on her.

"please move." I said emotionless. trying to keep composted and to stop myself from the urge of slapping her.

"ughh. come on. you're so hot, and aren't I pretty?" she pouts and is acting like a total toddler.

"do u not know the meaning of move?" I heard someone say from behind me.

"what the fuck do uw?" she turns to the girl behind.

"maybe for u to move aside for the both of us." I then turned around and I realised it was that girl from earlier. the one with the red hair and now I could see her entire face. her features were so perfectly sculpted, and her piercings on her ears were complimenting her outfit. she was wearing high wasted black jeans with chains on it along with a couple of rips and her oversized black hoodie with some rips and she was still wearing her same black cap with the three rings at the front of the cap.

"excuse me? u can go now." I heard her say and she snapped me out of my thoughts. I guessed I just missed their entire conversation but I couldn't care less.

I walked up and took a seat beside the empty one. well it used to be until that girl sat down.

"yn you're late and ur cap. take it off."
"come on ms kim why bother uk what's gonna happen. I'll put it back anyways."
"just take it off before I lose my patience."
"with ur boyfriend. ex-boyfriend?" she said with a smirk on her face.

I couldn't help but be intrigued with this girl. whose name is yn. dang that name is mad fine. but she's a whole other definition of fine. wait seonghwa, you can't like someone. not after what happened.

"what's new?"

she the crossed her legs and placed it on her side chair's table. she then looked at me as I was staring at her.

"like ur view?" she lift up her eyebrow.
"like yours?" I said with a slight smirk.

"you're not too bad urself." she said shifting her head to face me.

"seonghwa." I shook her hand and then I saw a small tattoo being revealed on her wrist. a star. it looked so similar to the one she had. Wait. Yn?? Is it u? No it can't be it's impossible.

"you're late boys." I turned to see my leader. and the rest of the gang.

"sorry it's just a habit."
"take a sit hongjoong along with teh rest of u boys."

they walked up to their seats at the back which just happens to be the one right next to him.

"heyy seonghwa, welcome back."
"hey hongjoong."

check out my edits of my ffs at junhao_taetak_carat7 on TikTok!

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