12: reunited

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seonghwa pov.

"yn's alive. she's not dead." I muttered to myself. while trying to get up.
"you're not suppose to leave your bed." the nurse said.
"move. get out of my way." I say while getting up.
"no sir. stay in your bed you can't leave." another nurse said.
both of them were blocking my way.
"I SAID MOVE! I NEED TO FIND YN!" i yelled while pushing the things off the table near me.
"I can't lose her again." I then push them out of my way while running to find yn.
"where's yn's room?" I ask to the person at the counter.
"what's her full name and what's ur relationship with her?" the front desk says.
"choi yn. and I'm her b-
"SEONGHWA!" someone shouts.

I turn my head and there she was.

choi yn.

the person I'm in love with. the person I've been wishing and praying for her to be alive.

"yn." I run towards her and she does the same and then she was in my embrace.

"I'm sorry yn. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for causing that car accident I'm sorry. please forgive me." I say while resting my head in the crook of her neck.

"I'm sorry too seonghwa. I caused that accident I caused my sister's death and i don't even care about that I just feel horrible for making u feel guilty. I-I." she says while I feel tears rolling down on my shoulder. she was crying.

"don't cry yn. it's all my fault. if I let u explain none of that would've happened and I- I just feel like shit for making u have whatever happened and I- I just I love you yn. please don't leave me again. the past few years without I went through hell. I couldn't live properly all I did was basically drinking and doing shit I'm not supposed to. I'm sorry yn."

"wait. u love me?" she says pulling back from the hug. our faces so close to each other.

"I love u yn. so much. I love u so much choi yn."

"I love u too park seonghwa."

then I couldn't hold back anymore. I crashed my lips onto hers.

my hand on the back of her head, my hand on her waist and hers around my neck.

"I love u. don't leave me again please." I say after pulling back. our foreheads pressing against each other.

"I promise I won't my star."
"I promise too my moon."

I then pull her into my embrace again.

"be mine again?" I ask
"only if u be mine too."

"I thought u would've never asked my love." I whisper into her ear.

"god you're such a tease."

"but I'm yours my baby." I say before kissing her again.

she smiles and pulls me into a deeper kiss.

"god yn. why are u my weakness." I say in between our kiss.

"then why are u mine?" she says back.

I pull back and then i intertwined our hands.

"let's get out of here. baby."
"gladly. hwa."

"gosh call me that when we reach my room. I hope my members won't mind." I say and her eyes widen and I start running to my apartment.

others were looking at us like we were crazy but they weren't wrong. I am crazy. crazy for yn.

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