2: ateez

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yn pov:

"like ur view?" i lift up my eyebrow.
"like yours?" he said with a slight smirk.

"you're not too bad urself." I said shifting my head to face him.

"seonghwa." he shook my hand and then he saw a small tattoo being revealed on my wrist.

he looked a bit surprised but his face then returned to his normal one.

I looked at his features and he was mad fine. and somehow he looked familiar. i know I heard his name somewhere before. i know I saw him somewhere before but where. where have I seen his handsome face and heard his deep deep voice before. and after shaking his hand I remember some vague memories of before the car accident. I remember the time a guy was with me. and he had a small moon tattoo on wrist. but then I started trying to recall anything that happened before the car accident. but I couldn't. I just couldn't. but I do remember I lost my first love. but I couldn't even remember his name. or how he looked. all i know was that he's surname was park. but how many parks are out there. he could even be in another part of Korea. hell he could even be in another country. I was deep in thought so I didn't listen to anything that whoever said until I heard the bell ring. which meant that I've been thinking for around 1h.

"fuck I shouldn't have come today."
"well I'm glad u did."

I turned to see who that voice belonged to. song mingi. his whole build towering over me.

"oh mingi. how sweet of u."
"i know." he smiled cutely at me while giving me his hand to take. I took it and then he brought me to somewhere.

"where are u bringing me?" I said while following after him still holding his hand.
"you'll see." he then intertwined it maybe me quicken my pace.
"oh come on how long have I known u. uk I hate surprises." I said annoyed.
"no u don't."
"I hate some surprises."
"well too bad. come on. catch up with me would u." he said in a teasing tone.
"who told u to have such long ass legs."
"who told u to have short ones?" he turned to me.
"I'm 5'7 it's tall enough for me." I was pissed now.
"yet I still have to bend down." he stopped and bend down to my face level.
"asshole." I pushed his shoulder using my free hand.
"at least I can still see you're pretty face."
"aren't u a flirt." I said smirking.
"as if u aren't." He scoffed. he stand up straight and continued walking.
"I do it for fun. and this way I can have everyone wrapped around my finger. almost everyone." I said the last part in an irritated tone.
"woah almost? who's this guy?" he said curious.
"that new guy. seonghwa."
"oh him? what'd he do? i know him. he ain't an easy target."
"I flirt with him and he flirt right back not affected at all. but I must say. he's fine. like mad fine." I said in awe.
"more fine than me?" he stopped and pouts in front of me.
"aww ofc." I then squeeze his cheek and straighten his hair that was covering his eyes.
he just stood there jaw dropped. with nothjnf to say.
"u do know I'm mad fine too right? how could u choose him over ur best friend of 14 years?" he pouts.
"maybe I still view u as that 8 year old whining because he dropped his ice cream." I laugh a little and he smiled too.
"it's nice to see u smile." he smiled and his eyes softened.
"i haven't smiled in awhile have I?" I asked.
"yea. but I have to let you know that was the first time I met me. ive changed." he pouts again.
"I mean have u seen my abs?" he says flirty.
"no I haven't and fine. since u insist." I said in teasingly. I walked forward a bit.
"you're not serious about it!" he followed after me.

then someone came. that same dumbass I was arguing with earlier on. yang jeongin.

mingi looked pissed a little.

"yn!! u moved on because of this guy??"
"we were never together jeongin. plus don't u see this guy." I turned to face mingi. he understood the signal.

he came closer and pulled me in by my waist and then came closer to my face.

"babe.." he pulled me closer our face inches apart.
"I don't like u talking to other guys." we were so close that I could feel his hot breath.
"don't worry. this guy means nothing." I then moved closer to the side of his face kissing it.

"nothing?? are u fucking with me?" he moved closer to me and mingi pulled me closer to him. making me even closer to him. my hands now around his neck. I then placed with his hair as I stared down jeongin.

"do uw to see us kiss? or else this would be a pretty good time to fuck off and for good this time." I said smirking.

"y-you.." he clenched his fist. not leaving.

I then turned to face mingi. he then mouth. "kiss me." I then looked at him with a slight smirk. he moved closer and our lips met. his lips were hot and it somehow tasted like lemon. making me have slight craving of it. his lips.

"you just wait. I'll get back at u. both of u. assholes." jeongin went away fuming mad. I saw from the corner of my eyes. I then turned back to mingi. our lips not leaving each other.

I pulled back. after I heard someone's footsteps interrupting.

"damn fucker. finally left." I said while pushing my hair away from my face.

"wow yn." I turned to him.
"that's the first thing u said after kissing me?"
"u taste good."
"uhh what?"
"is song mingi flustered?" I said while going closer to him.
"u taste good too." I smile a little.
"come on. bring me to wherever u want to. quickly. then I can skip lessons." he rolled his eyes but smiled and pulled me to the direction of wherever he wanted to go."

he brought me to an alley where there's a secret door at the far back after u put in some code.

he led me in and then I was facing a group of 6 boys. who were fine as fuck. mingi who was beside me then said.

"meet ateez."

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