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yn pov:

"through yn."

"umm what?" I asked while turning to face hongjoong.

"easy, ask jeongin to come to this party that we'll be going to and he will definitely bring his gang. they always party together. and then we fight." seonghwa said. while playing with my hair.

"okay whatever. but u do know he thinks mingi's my boyfriend right?"

"they've only seen hongjoong and me before they won't know about the gang." seonghwa replied.

"okay then. let's have some fun." I said getting up and going to the empty space on the couch beside san.

"call him."

"hey jeongin."
"yn?? what the fuck do uw?"
"that isn't so nice jeongin, come on let's hang out there's a party tonight." wooyoung chuckled a little. yeosang then hit him lightly.
"what made u change ur mind?"

I look up to make eye contact with seonghwa.

"uk that bf of mine, he's a real asshole. so come on let's just go to that party together how bout that?"
"fine. but I'll bring some of my friends. we don't go to parties alone."
"whatever u want."
"bye pretty."

I hanged up and then the guys started laughing.

"wow he's a real idiot." san chuckled.
"called it." yeosang said.
"let's go." mingi said.
"to where?"
"get u some new clothes are u really going to a party with a hoodie?" he lifted his eyebrow.
"right, let's go then."
"see u guys later." I waved them goodbye and they returned it.

at the party.
seonghwa pov.

me and the gang except for mingi and yn were already at the party.

"ohhh hwa!!" that annoying bitch came.
"get off of me." she was clinging onto my arm.
"no you're coming with me."
"I beg to differ." yn came and smirked at yena.

'holy shit. she looks so pretty."

^yn's outfit

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^yn's outfit.

"hey yena, look there's a bin there go into it." yn then pulled me and brought me to the bar.

"wow yn u look amazing." I said while aimi ling at her.
"u too." she smiled while ordering two shots.

"now where tf is jeongin." she scanned the room and then she saw them.

"ur earpiece." I gave her one so that she can hear what we want to tell her.
"thank you now quickly leave." I got up as she pushed me.
"okay wait." I drank my shot and then left.

yn pov.

"hey yn, who was that guy u pushed away?" jeongin then took the seat that seonghwa was sitting on.
"no one. just some guy trying to hit on me." I said giving him a forced smile.
"anyways since we're here let's drink." jeongin smiled but it looked evil. he ordered the drinks for us identical ones then he 'accidentally' hit my bag to drop onto the floor. when I bend down to pick it up I then saw the bubbling in my drink.

"hey jeongin there's something in ur hair." I went to push the hair out of his face then I switched the drinks.

"thank you yn. now let's have some fun. cheers."
"cheers.." we both drank the drinks and then I realised how stupid he was. he really drank it.

"yn ask him about his friends." I heard hongjoong say through the earpiece.

"so I see you've brought a lot of your friends." I turned to the direction of his friend group. I knew how they looked like through the information I got but I have to say. they were shorter than I thought.

"ohh them. they're my good friends. they're basically my family."
"well to me you guys look like a gang." I then chuckled. I saw the change in his expression then I knew I could piss him off.

"well, we're not. so...hey why are u wearing a earpiece?" he wanted to take it off but then I pushed his hand away.
"just my music. the music here's trash."
"I see-.."

he fell off his chair and he got knocked out.

"he's out." then I saw his friends coming towards my direction.

"that's my cue to leave." I ran away towards the direction of the stairs, since I saw some of the guys go there.

"hey!! what did u do to him? COME BACK HERE!" some guy with red hair shouted and he followed me.

"hey hyunjin let's not fight." yunho said.
"who tf are u? get out of my way."
"sorry no." yunho then pushed him away and I ran up the stairs. then the fight broke out.

"hey yn go out by the window. I called the cops." yeosang said.
"the cops?? then the rest of u have to get the hell out of here."
"don't worry now go with seonghwa."

seonghwa went out of the window first then he signalled for me to go down. I brought my body out the window then I felt his cold hands touch my waist as he helped me down.

"thank you."
"welcome no quickly get on." he signalled me to get on the motorcycle in front of us.

"wow bad boy huh?" I said smirking.
"whatever u say now hold on tight. we're going for a ride." he gave me his helmet and then drove off once I wrapped my arms around his waist.

his waist and entire body gave me warmth and it was comforting.

the entire ride was cold but comfortable. the cold wind blowing through our hair and the dark scenery around us. it was beautiful.

"we're here." seonghwa said as he got off. he looked even better with his hair all messy.

"thanks." he helped me down and then pulled me closer to his body as he gave me his jacket.

"where are we?" I said as I looked up to a huge apartment.

"this is where we stay at. kinda far from the rest of the world but it works." he said his hot breath going down my neck giving me shivers.

"nice secluded." I said while playing with the end of the jacket he gave me.

"you're parents don't mind u staying with us do they?" he asked me while looking at me.
"I live alone. So of course it's fine." I said looking back.

"alright let's go in. you're getting cold."

'he could tell??'

"well since we left the party. let's have our own one." he then smirked and opened up their fridge filled with alcohol.

"dang seonghwa. didn't know u guys were such heavy drinkers."
"not the best drinkers but I can drink." he said smiling at me as he handed me a bottle.

"let's drink." I sat down at the front of the sofa leaning back and then I drank. seonghwa then sat behind me. which made me sit in between of his long legs.

"LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!" I heard wooyoung shout as the rest of the boys came into the house.

"easy targets." seonghwa said. he was so close to me that I can feel his breath. he's elbows on his thighs while he held his bottle allowing me to see his hands.

"very easy apparently." san said. as he took a bottle.

mingi looked a little irritated but I shook it off.

"wanna play some drinking games??" san asked.

"hell yea." wooyoung exclaimed.
the rest agreed.

"seonghwa? mingi? yn?" yunho asked.

"I'll play if yn does." seonghwa said while looking at me.

"same here." mingi said emotionless.
"I'm in then." I said.

"let the party start."

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