3: gang

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seonghwa pov.

"what's taking them so fucking long." san said as he leaned back onto the sofa.
"it song mingi, he will take his won sweet time is he wants to." yeosang replied.
wooyoung snickers at his response.

"I'll go find them." I stood up and went out after putting the code in. 241018. the date we created this gang. and I have to say it helped me a lot. blowing off some steam especially after what had just happened.

"careful, don't bump into any enemies!" I heard yunho say.
"don't worry. I'll be fine." I then went out making sure I closed the door.

I walked towards the direction of the school and when I walked in I then saw mingi with yn and they were kissing. there was some guy in some black and white ling sleeved shirt then I realised it was that guy yn was arguing with earlier on. but i don't know why when I saw her kissing mingi I felt some weird feeling. but I didn't want to see that any longer so I went back. not to the secret base. but towards the convenience store. I then bought some beers. enough for all 9 of us including yn. I assumed she drinks. so I just got more in case she does. and some waters too. as well as some cigarettes and lighters. just in case you know.

when I went back to the place I then heard mingi say.

"meet ateez."

"damn they're wow.." she said while looking around and using her hand to go through her hair.

"nice to see u here too yn." she then turned to my direction.

"oh seonghwa, drinks huh?" she said while looking at my bag of alcohol.

"why not. u drink dont u." I said while walking towards the table near her.

"ofc I do." she smirked.
"well let's introduce ourselves." hongjoong said.

yn hummed in response.

'damn she's attractive. but is she and mingi together?' I thought.

yn pov.

"hongjoong the captain of ateez." the shortest one said. he smiled at me and I smiled back. he had blonde and black hair. and some black glasses on. he's handsome.

"san. it's nice to meet u beautiful." he winked at me and I smirked ngl he's really attractive.

"yeosang." damn this guy's voice is so deep. but he's so pretty.

"wooyoung. it's my pleasure meeting u." he bowed and I laughed at his gesture.

"Yunho, nice to meet this girl mingi talks about." he laughed a little. while looking at a flustered mingi.

"wow mingi u talk about me huh?" I said teasing him.
"ofc I do you're my best friend how could I not." he wrapped his arms around me and I laughed at his cute actions.

"jongho. the youngest one of ateez." damn he's so cute. but he's wrist has a bandage.

"and u already know me. seonghwa." he then looked at me. while handing me a drink.

"thank you-hey!" mingi took the drink and then said. "not until we explain what's going on."

I rolled my eyes then I heard hongjoong explain.

"well, you're a hacker right well we need someone to help us with this hacking thing so mingi told us you're good at it. and our current hacker jongho as u can see has an injury which cause him to not be able to do whatever he usually does and we need some help."

"and what do I earn from it?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"adrenaline rushs, some fun and free drinks." san said while looking at me and smiling.

"free drinks? I'm in." I then took the beer bottle out of mingi's hand and then wooyoung came and opened it.

"wouldn't want ur pretty hands to get hurt." he winked and then he asked me to sit down.

"thank you. now what do u need help with?"

"there's this other gang stray kids. they're trying to hurt us. u see since were a gang we have enemies so. Yea. now we need u to do some background information and hacking to find out their main base and anyone they're close to or something we can get and know to hurt them." yeosang said.

"I see. well. give me their names." I looked up to my surprise seonghwa was staring at me.

"bang chan. lee know. seo changbin. hwang hyunjin. han. lee felix. kim seungmin. and lastly i.n." seonghwa said while taking a seat beside me.

"okay. got their names. I'll get to work."  the rest of the boys then started playing games and drinking.

leaving me with seonghwa.

"well, let's get to know each other." seonghwa said.


"why do u have that tattoo?" he said while pointing to the tattoo on my wrist.

"umm. well. I got it cuz there's someone who's my star. but I don't remember who is was."

"ohh. foggyy memory huh. same here."

we laughed a little the rest of the time it was just us talking and drinking.

around 1hour later I've got all the information they needed.

"so that jeongin guy is a part of stray kids huh?" mingi said.
"I guess so."

"well, now we know how to get them." yeosang said.
"how??" wooyoung asked.

"through yn."

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