6:a ride.

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seonghwa pov.

i woke up to something on my head. I then realised that yn was lying on my head and I was lying on her shoulder. it was comfortable. but I've got to admit my head was killing me. damn alcohol.

but thinking about it felt like deja vu. like it happened before.

I tried to move a little so that yn's neck wouldn't be killing her but she woke up.

"hey..." she said while sitting straight.
"I'm sorry bout last night." I said guilty I made her sleep uncomfortably.

"it's fine. it was actually comfortable." she said smirking a little.
"good to know." I say chuckling.

"do u need some hangover medicine?" I ask her.
"yes please. my heads killing me." I got up and then went to my bedroom signalling her to follow me.

I opened my room door and then took the medicine out of my drawer.

"wow you're room's really pretty. and neat.." she said while admiring my room.

"you must use the most electricity huh?" she said while smirking at me.
"guilty." I said while handing her the medicine.

"thank you hwa." she said while taking it.

"wanna go for a ride with me?" I ask her while sitting down on my bed. she comes closer and moves the hair out of my face.

"hell yea. u can take me for a ride anytime."
"great. I'll shower first. the smell of alcohol is too much this early in the morning. see u later then bye. "

she nods her head and then proceeds to head out of the room but I closed the door. now I was behind her.

'what the f- was I thinking!'

"no goodbye?" I said after leaning closer to her ear.

she turned behind and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"bye hwa. shower quickly. then we'll go for a ride." she winked.

her hands still around my neck I loved closer to her. our faces so close. one move and we would be kissing.

she looked into my eyes like I did to hers. her eyes have a certain sparkle. but yet it looked like she was building a wall between us.

she moved very slightly but then.

"yn!!" I heard mingi call out for her.

"uh we'll see u later hwa." she then left the room.

'what the hell is she doing to me?! AND GODDAMN MINGI!'

I went to the shower regretting not taking this chance but I knew I shouldn't fall for her. I CANT.


I got out and then yn came into my room. I was shirtless and my hair was all wet.

"ugh I. wanted to take my phone. I left it here..." Her eyes wondering to...

"like ur view darling?" I say while putting on my shirt.
"I've seen better." she says while turning back after taking her phone.
"oh yea where?" I say teasingly.
"oh just be quick." she quickly leaves the room and heads outside. seeing her flustered is so cute.

I then went outside and got on my bike.
"hop on doll."
"what's with all the sudden nicknames?" she says trying to tease me. while getting on the bike.
"wanna play this game while I'm the one in control right now?" I looked at her.
"I dare u Hwa." she says wearing the helmet.
"ohh honey, you've made the wrong decision." I say while moving the hair out of her eyes. and putting her hands around my waist.

"let's go for a ride then."

she grabbed tightly and I could feel her hands right around my waist. she was so close it me which gave me a comforting warmth. I haven't felt this way since she died.

"hang on beautiful." I started going fast. the wind blowing against us it felt so calming and relaxing.

I stopped outside a coffee shop and then I helped yn get off the bike.

she took off her helmet and shook her head and goddamn she looked breathtaking.

"nice ride Hwa."
"thanks darling." I winked at her and took of my helmet and combed through my hair.

"let's get a coffee. then we go for another ride."

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