7:bad news

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yn pov.

I was currently outside my school. not feeling like going in.

I've been hanging out with the boys these past few weeks. I've spend the most time with mingi and seonghwa ofc.

god seonghwa. when I'm with him I feel something else. a new feeling I've never felt in ages. it's like I've known him for so long. he's a mystery. but yet I crave for him even more. And how I wished we kissed.

"hey yn!"
i turned around and I saw somi.
"somi!! what are u doing her I thought u went to America?" I said while hugging her.
"Well I'm back for awhile but I was hoping to spend some time with u."
"how long?"
"about two days."
"That's it?!"
"Unfortunately. But let's make the best of it. Have any boyfriends??"
"no..." my eyes traveled to where seonghwa was.
she looked back and she looked confused but happy at the same time.
"you like him don't u?!"
"Shut up!! I don't he's just a friend."
"alright.. what's his name?"
"He's names seo- ohh" mingi came and placed his arms around me.
"hey shortyyy. wanna watch the movies with me tmr?" I nod my head. He smiles
"Wait hey! Jeon soji"
"It's somi but hey nice to see you again." Her eyes going up and down while looking at mingi.

"is this song mingi? How'd u get so tall!"
she said then punching his stomach afterwards.

"Owww what was that for?" He let go of me and rubbed his stomach.

the both of us laughing at him.

"You interrupted our conversation about this mystery guy yn likes." Somi answered.
"wait u like someone?"
"I don't like anyone. Now let's go to an arcade or something."
"Skipping classes are we??" Mingi said.
me and somi laughing and then pulled mingi to the direction of the arcade.

at the arcade.

mingi was on a call with his father about something. while me and somi were playing some games. he then came back.

"mingi try beating yn. She's horrible at it" somi chuckled at me.
"it's okay it's mingi."

DAMN IT FUCK! HOW COULD I LOSE TO MINGI!" I say while hitting the game we were currently playing which involved driving.

"god yn. you should never be allowed to drive." Somi said while laughing at me.
"It's not my fault! This machine has some problem."
"come on I'll help you." mingi went behind me and his hands on top of mine then somi got on the seat he was previously on.

"Losers buy us lunch!" Somi said.
"deal." We said in unison.

mingi's warm hands were on mine and i don't know why he felt different. He seemed different. like he was still cheerful but it's like he's hiding something.

"What the hell!! How am I losing!" Somi shouted.
"YES!! WE WON!" He pulled me closer to him and hugged me tight.
"Free lunch yea." I said chucking at somi.

"okay okay let's go."

at the diner.

"mingi u seem like you're hiding something." I asked.
"I agree. even though I haven't been with u guys in a long time. This mingi seems weird."
"Weirder than usual right!"
"YEA HAHAHAH" somi laughed.
"Hey!" He pouts.

"But seriously what is it?" I asked.
"about that call..you know my dad. controlling. he wants me to date yena." he said while playing with his hands.
"WHAT YENA?! CHOI FUCKING YENA!" yn exclaimed.
"Yes Choi fucking yena." I then signalled her to sit.
"wait is it that stuck up bitch. the short one high pitched voice or something?" Somi asked.
"Everyone's looking but yea. Since she comes from a rich family my dad wants me to be with her for his company's deal or something."

"What the f. That's horrible." Yn said.
"I tried saying no but he said that if I didn't he would make me move back into his house and make sure I have no allowance and nothing."
"He's an asshole." Somi said.
"What can I do about it?"
"It's fine. Date her and then make her want to break up with u." yn stated.
"that's genius. Thank you yn!" He pulled me into a hug.
"Welcome kiddo."

the next day.

I was waiting for mingi at the movies when I got a call.

hey yn..
hey princess mingi. what's with that tone?
uk my dad right.
yes what about that asshole??
he made me bring yena along with me to hang out with you today. He forced me to! I tried telling him no but that bitch came to my house and he forced me to go with her! IM NOT A BITCH! SHUT UP YENA! GET THE FUCK OFF ME! NO—

i hanged up. UGHH. I really wanted to watch this movie and now this happens.

then I got another call.

hey yn doll.
ohh hey seonghwa...
what's with that low tone.
ohh nothing
come on my love. just say it.
okay well. mingi was gonna hang out with me and now he's father made that bitch yena come. they're on their way. And it sucks. I hate her guts.
so you're gonna third wheel them?
I guess so since I wanna watch this movie.
hang on. Is it the xxx movie Theater??
I'm coming over.
Wait what u don't have to.
Come on my love. I'm not gonna let you third wheel them and make that bitch let u feel uncomfortable.
u don't have to.
I'm coming. See you in ten.
Wait hwa-

and he hanged up. great.


"hey yn."
I looked up and I saw mingi.
"oh hey—- hi leech" I said while staring daggers at yena.
"It's not a date! And don't call her a bitch-

"hey baby."

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