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seonghwa pov.

"let the party start!"

I was behind yn. the position was comfortable I must say but i don't know why I can't help but find her familiar like I've met her before. but I can't fall for anyone. not after the last time. how could she d-

"hwa." yn said and she made me snap back to reality.
"yes yn-ah?" I asked.
'damn hwa. that name coming out of her mouth. fuck the alcohol.'
"come on play the drinking games." she said while tugging me closer to her. no my head was basically resting on her shoulder. I'm not complaining though.

"whoever gets the smallest number drinks. get the same and u do a couple shot." wooyoung said while smirking.

"OKAY!! TAKE A CARD PEOPLE!!" san said.

"he's definitely drunk already." yn said to me. her breath going against my skin.
"he's a lightweight." I say back, my breath tickling her ear.

"damn u say it as if u aren't." she turned to me. making our faces just inches apart.
"wanna test that out?" I say leaning a bitch closer.

'who am I kidding four shots and I'll be out.'
'the alcohol is definitely kicking in already.'
'3 more shots and I'll be wasted.'

"let's see hwa." she said then leaning back. her head leaning against my neck.

"everyone got a card?" hongjoong asked.
everyone said their 'yes' or 'yea' and wooyoung's 'hurry up already'

"alright alright."

everyone lifted up their cards and lucky me

"2..of hearts.." I said while I crumple the poker card.


"you're not the only one." yunho says smirking.

"fuck." yn cursed as she threw the card away. and it landed in mingi's cup or alcohol.

"sorry mingiiii."
"no problem princess." he said as he smiled softly at yn.

"couple shot! couple shot!" san said and the rest started saying the same thing. except yn, mingi and me.

"alright just shut up would u?" I said annoyed at them. I then picked her up and placed her on my lap.

"damn seonghwa." She said as she placed an arm around my neck.

"I thought u were calling me Hwa?" I said while looking at her and leaning forward to get two shots for us.

"alright Hwa. let's drink." I chuckled afterwards and then linked our arms together as we took the shot.

I heard mingi scoff but I ignored it.

"we're gonna have a drunk seonghwa in around two shots!!" san exclaimed.

"and we already have a drunk san." yeonsang said while shaking his head as he saw the poor boy.

I realised yn was still on me. she looked even prettier up close. letting me take in all her features. the somehow familiar features.

it reminded me of her. I still can't believe she's g-

"seonghwa!" someone shouted.

"what?" I asked.

"are u and yn a thing or something?" yunho asked teasingly.

"no. we just met today." I answered.

'damn I can feel it getting hot.'

"and yet she's in your lap still." mingi said deadpanned while scoffing after.

I turned to see yn honestly not giving a damn but then she got up and went towards mingi.

I felt a tinge of jealousy but I let that slide. it's impossible to fall for someone. not after what happen. and certainly not after only knowing her for a few hours.

yn pov.

i went to sit beside mingi.

"why are u being such a jerk? care to explain princess mingi??" I said leaning towards him.

"I don't want u getting close to another guy." he said while taking another shot.

"and why's that?" I asked while lifting up an eyebrow.

"because you're mine." He then faced my direction. staring intensely into my eyes.

"wow mingi. how much did u drink already?" I asked slightly concerned.

"enough to know I'm craving you're kisses." he said placing me on his lap.

"okay mingi. you're drunk. let's go." I got up but he pulled me down.

"where's his room?" I asked
"I'll help you. follow me." yunho got up and then pulled mingi up away from me and then held him. I placed mingi's arm around my shoulder to give him more support and I followed yunho.

"wow that's his room?? how's it so messy?" I asked.
"are u really surprised?" yunho turned to me and smiled.
"ngl nope." we both laughed then I placed him on the bed.

when we went down. I could tell they were getting drunk. they were moving around and laughing and shouting. and their faces were red. then I saw seonghwa. leaning against the sofa. groggily.

"hey. hwa." he turned to me and then leaned on me.

'definitely drunk.'

I just leaned back on his head that was resting on my shoulder.

"hey. yn. you're fine staying here right?" yeosang asked. he seemed perfectly fine to me. finally someone who can hold their liquor.

"yea. I live alone. it's fine." I smiled back at him while he nods his head.

'it's funny to think that these guys are out doing illegal stuff and in a gang.'

"goodnight my choi yn." seonghwa said softly while hugging my arm. still asleep.

'how did he know my full name? I haven't told anyone here yet. except mingi ofc. did I meet seonghwa before?'

I looked at his features. the so very familiar ones. I swear I've seen him before. I've met him before. but where?? damn that accident really messed my head up.

after awhile I then closed my eyes and drifted to sleep. Letting the after effects of drinking take over me.

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