There is a god and he doesn't want me
He doesn't want me for the bad I've done
He doesn't want me for the "lifestyle" I choose to live
He doesn't want me for the way I look
The holes in my ears
The way I dress
He doesn't want me
There is a god who wants me to change
Electroshock therapy seems to work
Conversion therapy has worked for some
He wants me to be masculine
He wants me to be tough
He wants me to find a wife
There is a god who doesn't like my promiscuity
He doesn't like the men I sleep with
He doesn't like that I sleep with men
He doesn't like that I think of men
There is a god and he wants me to look a certain way
He wants me to act hetero
He wants me to play sports
He wants me to go to church on Sundays
There is a god
But the funny thing is
The congregation is not him
The Christian community is not him
They do not speak for him
Or judge for him
And forgive me if my faith has ended because of his "people"
Forgive me if I jumped the gun
If there is a god
I don't think he'd like me
His people certainly don't
There is a god
But he's not mine