○ disclaimers. ●

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□ This book is rated mature, and I know damn well most of you guys are minors and have probably seen worse, but still, handle this book with caution.

□ This book will tackle potentially heavy or uncomfortable subject matter, such as sexual harassment, murder, light gore, kidnapping, torture, etcetera. Anything that could be triggering for some people that is not listed here will be included at the start of each chapter that contains it.

□ This chapter is the only chapter set to the center, if that's a formatting thing you dislike. Every following chapter will be written at the default.

□ The first chapter (not this one) is one of the only chapters written in first person. I know some people dislike first person, so every chapter will be written in third person perspective, with exception to chapters coming from The Swine's POV. I've written it that way to keep his identity a secret for now and so I don't have to keep writing "The Swine."

□ This book will follow the USA's age restrictions, so the age of consent is eighteen in this, and you have to be twenty-one years old to drink. This is really only mentioned once or twice, but most of these disclaimers are just to get rid of any confusion before it even shows itself anyway.

□ The main character, you (or Y/n), is not going to fit everybody. If you are able to see yourself in him, that's great! If not, you're welcome to see him as a character and not as a self insert. I hope I did well trying to give him a personality that doesn't annoy the fuck out of you guys.

□ This book is not for women. I don't care if you guys read it, I don't care why you're reading it, but don't make my male readers uncomfortable by stating your gender. Even if you have no harmful intent, I know from experience that it can cause a lot of discomfort for male readers to see women in their spaces.

□ If I make a grammar or spelling mistake, please correct me. Don't be worried about sounding like a grammar officer or whatever they're called. I need the help.

□ My uploading is irregular. Sometimes it could take a month for me to post, sometimes it could take two days. It just depends on how motivated I am.

□ The first chapter (chapter 0) has some gore and violence that even I didn't like writing. The cruel kind. Feel free to skip it if necessary.

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