● chapter 24. ○

567 31 133

CWs: suggestive content, mentions of Chris

(f/c): favorite flavor cake-wise (not to be confused with favorite color)

you can't begin to imagine the pain you could've saved yourself from had you turned to him sooner


Y/n was still wet when he made it up the endless stairs to his shared apartment, and he fumbled with his keys, slippery in his dampened grasp, until some angel opened the door for him. An angel that appeared in the form of his friend, Dayton, with a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth.

He took one look at Y/n and leaned on the door frame. "Dude, you look like a wet dog."

"Just let me in," Y/n sighed, exasperated and too tired to deal with Dayton's shit.

"What's the magic word?" Dayton teased, grinning.


The blond raised his hands up in surrender and moved out of Y/n's way, letting the other boy pass through and take off his bag and jacket. Dayton's eyes momentarily strayed to the parts of Y/n's flesh that his soaked, white shirt clung to, showing off (s/c) skin.

Y/n hung his jacket on the hook and shuddered, rubbing his hands up and down his shoulders to warm himself with the friction.

"Is Chris home?" He asked, breaking Dayton out of his perverse daze.

Dayton gave him a look, staying silent. Y/n stilled, and in the abrupt silence, he heard the soft thuds and erotic noises coming from the other side of the apartment.

"Gross..." Y/n groaned, massaging the bridge of his nose lazily. Y/n knew about Chris'... sleeping habits, but that didn't mean he wanted to hear them all the time. Usually, he'd go out and walk around the town for a bit, but that just wasn't an option anymore.

He wasn't sure why it was the run-in with The Boar and Erin's sister's "gang" that made him more conscious of not wandering around in the middle of a dangerous town, and not the countless other murders that had taken place. Seriously, he let Logan walk him to the park to meet up with Erin. And Logan freaked him the hell out.

He wanted to say it was the whole "being threatened with a knife" thing that put the little warning signs up in his head, but he'd been threatened with a gun before that, and another knife before that in his own home. Now that Y/n thought about it...

Why am I being stalked and not killed by so many people?

Sure, it only happened three times, but usually you'd only expect that to happen... never, in a lifetime.

"Are you okay?" Dayton asked, frowning as he loosely read the emotion off of Y/n's face.

"Uhm, yeah, but, uh..." Y/n wasn't sure where the thought had come from, but he'd just been thinking of The Boar. Tattoos everywhere, from what he remembered, as well as piercings. "Did your brother happen to dye his hair black recently?"

Dayton pursed his lips. "Uh... no? I don't think so."

"Don't you see him everyday?" Y/n asked, suddenly suspicious of the family dynamic going on here. He knew Dayton's familial situation was a little... odd. Especially at the moment. He'd been staying at Y/n's apartment because his parents temporarily kicked him out for "betraying them."

"Oh, so you want to go see that low-life?" Dayton put on a high-pitched voice, mocking his mother. "After everything we've done for you?" He flapped his hand in time with his speech. Then, he dropped the tone, "they'll call me eventually and ask when I'm coming home. Every time."

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