● chapter 16. ○

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CWs: things get a little devious, violence, blood, cannabilism in its most minor form, mentioned self-harm again, light gore.

feeding the erin fans one chapter at a time.


Y/n wasn't quite sure where he was. There was a fuzzy quality to everything around him, and everything felt... soft. In a comfortable yet strangely unsettling way.

He sat up, but he couldn't feel the movement. He could see around him, and he was... in the woods? The air around him was warm. This place was familiar. It was the forest near the river, where people... went... missing.


A voice. One Y/n knew. Erin. Immediately, he looked for him. The brunet stood behind him, still undressed from the waist up. The (h/c) boy's eyes lingered on that sight longer than appropriate, but he quickly corrected that behavior. He opened his mouth to speak, to return his greeting.

Nothing came out. His skin was hot. He didn't know why, but Erin's presence had him flustered. He could feel the sudden tightness in his pants. Or, well, underwear. He'd forgotten he'd taken them off before going to sleep. The thin fabric certainly didn't help his case, and it would've been fine if Erin kept his eyes on Y/n's.

But he didn't.

Y/n knew it when there was a transformation in Erin's expression. Amusement, without a doubt. Y/n pulled his shirt over his growing erection and stood up. He didn't understand why he was reacting so strongly. He didn't understand why he was in the middle of a forest all of the sudden, but he couldn't seem to form competent thoughts.

Especially not when Erin's hands were then planted on his shoulders, pushing him back down onto the soft ground. Now, kneeling properly, Y/n was truly registered unable to think. He could practically feel his heart in his cock, throbbing desperately because, what? Erin had his shirt off? He had seen that before and hadn't reacted like this...

"What a good boy, staying on your knees like that," Erin praised, making Y/n's stomach do flips. Holy shit, was the only thing that came to mind.

The brunet grabbed Y/n's chin between his thumb and forefinger and lifted it up, making Y/n look up at him. The second he did, he felt a pressure on his clothed cock and his body jolted, a strange, whimper-ish noise leaving his throat. Erin just looked more entertained, foot planted on Y/n's hard dick.

Erin pushed Y/n onto his back, lowering himself to his knees and smiling at the (h/c) boy's embarrassed expression. His shirt rucked up, letting Erin see the arousal he was trying to hide. Immediately, he moved his (s/c) hands to cover himself, but they were pinned above his head faster than Y/n could process it (which was pretty slow).

"So pretty when you're exposed like this..." Erin began, voice low and so fucking sexy, "skin hot and hands trembling. Y/n, I'm going to fuck you so good, you'll forget your own damn name."

Y/n's mouth hung open. Especially when Erin continued, saying things that Y/n didn't even want to repeat. The look in Erin's eyes spoke all of the more loving words that he hid behind that vulgar language. Erin leaned down, and the moment their lips met, Y/n's eyes snapped open.


When have my dreams been so horny? Y/n covered his flushed face with his hands, relieved that the sheets were not damp with his own release, but mortified by how prominently he could feel his cock pressing up against his underwear.

He reached over to shut the irritating alarm off. Him and the brunet still laid in bed, Erin's arms wrapped around him in a looser hold than the one Y/n had fell asleep in. Albeit, the (h/c) boy could tell Erin was awake by the flutter of his eyelashes against the back of his neck. That's how close the other boy was. Normally, Y/n wouldn't mind, but when he was achingly hard and one glance down away from being exposed...

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