● chapter 12. ○

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CWs: A little bit of bullying (look who isn't showing up in the cws this time! i'm so nice to my lovely readers.)

fyi: i try to keep the reader insert as inclusive as possible, but for plot and lore reasons, there are some things that i have to set myself. so, if you have siblings, not anymore.

everything happens for a reason.


Nothing had changed drastically when Y/n returned to school that morning, opposing his nonsensical beliefs. For some reason, he assumed Erin would figure it out all on his own, even though that exact thing was impossible. Y/n was good at keeping the emotion out of his face, but surely the guilt would have to show in his eyes.

He'd made it to lunchtime before having to avoid the other boy's eyes entirely. They were too calculating, even though they were anything but.

Erin was completely normal. Well, normal besides from the tension between him and Hannah. Y/n didn't think they were still upset with each other, but more like there seemed to be an apology strung between the two that would go unsaid if nobody sucked it up and said something.

There was conversation fluttering about anyway despite it all. It was likely because Dayton, blissfully oblivious to the events of yesterday, had decided to actually join them during their lunch period for once (the boy he'd been flirting with for months was sick that day, apparently).

So, naturally, the ones who cared enough to indulge interrogated Dayton thoroughly about this boy.

Y/n, on the other hand, was traitorous in the way his thoughts remained on Erin. He was, against his own will, thinking extremely lewd things to see if maybe Erin was a mind-reader and he'd catch him off guard. He didn't want the brunet to know he'd been thinking about taking his cock just last night, but maybe if Erin did, Y/n wouldn't have to worry about not telling him.

He was absolutely never going to tell him.

"And you're sure you're treating him right?" Hannah asked, a disbelieving arch to one of her brows. Currently, they were deciding if Dayton was even good enough to pursue this boy, whose name was Micha.

"If I could answer that, I would," Dayton answered, distracted by the food that only he was eating. Everybody else had other things to prioritize.

Hannah was visibly displeased by that not-answer, but Dayton caught the look and nervously continued before she could vocalize her dissatisfaction.

"There's more important things we could be talking about right now. Like, how are we gonna deal with Y/n's problem, and how are we going to keep each other safe at this party we want to go to for some reason?" Dayton switched the subject, using a thin plastic straw to pick food out of his back teeth.

Y/n looked up at the mention of his name, his unholy thoughts closing off at once as he met Dayton's eyes, wordlessly pleading with him to steer the conversation in the direction suggested. Y/n looked back down at the table.

I'd rather we do nothing, he pretended to say, so he wouldn't feel bad about not saying anything.

"We do nothing. This guy has showed up twice and hasn't done jack shit," Hannah started, the beginnings of irritation creeping into her tone. "If he starts to pose a real threat, then we'll talk about it."

"Cause a mass murderer breaking into his house isn't posing a real threat, sure." This time it came from Erin, the words barely a mutter beneath his breath. From the peeved look she sent him, she definitely heard it.

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