○ chapter 5. ●

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CW: Stalker-type shit.

This chapter is pretty tame but this book will get pretty heavy in later chapters, so if you ever feel as if you won't be able to get through a chapter based on the CWs, let me know and I'll summarize the chapter for you.

And I know I keep making disclaimers but: Y/n will be depicted as pan in this story. You've read the previous chapters, the tags (hopefully), and the description though, so of course you know that the main love interest is male, but Y/n has his appreciative moments.


The Swine's POV

My face felt numb from how warm it was against the cold air, my mask dangerously lifted up so I could drink the bottle of day old cream soda I'd found in my car.

I was well-prepared for that encounter. I'd loosely predicted every reaction, every movement that the (h/c) boy made.

And yet, I hadn't surmised how hot it'd be to watch him struggle... I was not usually sadistic in the way that it'd bring me pleasure to watch the fear in his eyes, dimmed only by exhaustion. I was not usually sadistic in the way that it was hard to control the urge to feed that fear with empty threats and maybe a pulled knife.

But the knife remained an empty weight in my pocket. I couldn't jump at every temptation; that was risky and ignorant. But the way that he tried to push me away, only to exert no force at all because he was stunned, that was...

I've been told for all of the four years that I'd been pining after Y/n to be patient. That I could do nothing if I could not be patient. And, fuck, I was patient. I played nice for years.

Continuous lectures from the others did nothing to prepare me for the utter lack of control I felt in that moment. If Rab hadn't called me when she did...

Well, all that doesn't matter. I'm glad she called me, especially if she was going to offer me more footage. Our gang is a family, but most of us won't do illegal favors without payment, no matter how demoralized we are.

But, of course, I don't need money, so what else would I want to be offered except for videos of my love's showers?

It's the only place he masturbates due to not living alone, and I wouldn't stoop to the level of putting cameras in his bathroom.

So Rab did.

She did it for blackmail purposes years back before I told anyone of my infatuation (mind you, she had nothing against Y/n, but who knows when you'll need blackmail?) and kept them there to persuade me when she needed something that she wasn't physically equipped for.

Whether that makes her smart or me rash, I don't bother to care.

I take another sip of the flat cream soda.

A woman with short, blonde hair that was parted in a way that covered half of her right eye appeared around a corner, her eyes focused down on her phone screen. The Rabbit wasn't weak, so it was crucial I be careful with this girl, in case she was much stronger than I anticipated.

I set the soda aside and pull my pig mask back down over my mouth. She hadn't noticed me as she passed, and I repositioned into a crouch, peering over the wall.

It's like they try to make it easy. They wonder how I get away with as much as I do and then take distracted walks in the dark.

How foolish.


Y/n would've been blessed to close his eyes for longer than two seconds after the break-in, let alone get any sleep. He'd gotten up as soon as the pitch-blackness of the sky lightened into a bluish-gray, made breakfast for himself and reluctantly made some for Chris when he noticed that the man was awake (usually, he'd be out by the time the (h/c) boy wakes, but Y/n supposes that's what he gets for being paranoid), and, shockingly, wasn't too unnerved by Chris's presence.

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