● chapter 6. ○

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Y/n wasn't very close to the girl who walked beside him, ranting endlessly about something along the lines of being insane for thinking Ezra was more in love with his cat than he was in love with her.

Teagan was, in Y/n's experience, nice. She talked to him sometimes, he talked to her less times... and that was as far as their relationship really went, so it wasn't strange that Teagan was talking to him now.

But, boy, did it feel odd after the revelation that Y/n could be in the process of being stalked by at most two people. Having his apartment broken into and then nearly being followed to work, it made Y/n rethink who he was trusting blindly.

And it was unfair to place that hesitance on Teagan, he knew, but it could be... justified, right?

Still, he didn't react any different than he would've under more normal circumstances. He simply nodded along, hummed when necessary, and kept walking.

"But, then again, I think I might love his cat more than him," Teagan muttered, slightly out of breath from talking at the pace that she was. Suddenly, green eyes were on (e/c) ones. "And, how have you been lately?"

"Good," Y/n said immediately, a default reaction. He hadn't been doing 'good,' but he also was not about to spill that to Teagan, who'd undoubtedly (because who wouldn't) ask questions.

"That's good to hear," Teagan said, a hint of anticipation in her voice as she prepared to ask a question that she'd clearly been meaning to. "Do you think the killer has a motive?"

The confusion — not at the question, since it was something that Y/n had wondered about endlessly himself, but instead at the suddenness of it — must've showed on the (h/c) boy's face, because Teagan soon elaborated.

"Oh my gosh. Sorry. I'm totally hopping topics like crazy. It's just, like, wow. There's no way anyone could do that without a clear reason," Teagan said, combing a hand through her stick-straight hair.

Maybe this is her way of coping about Chleo.

"Uh, I don't know. It just seems like brutality to me. Or sadism," Y/n spoke, and his heart thumped harshly at the lie. Y/n always thought, too, that there was a reason past just simple cruelty, but discussing this was not something he wished to do.

"That's what I thought too, but, like, doesn't it sound bizarre? I mean, of course the murders are bizarre. Past bizarre. Insane. But, like.. I don't know. It can't all just be for fun," Teagan said, though she didn't say anything further, because now they were entering the lunch room and finding their usual table, the sight meeting them making Y/n internally roll his eyes.

One of Wade's many fangirls sat between him and Hannah, grabbing his bicep and saying something that Y/n tuned out of when he met Erin's scolding eyes.

"Hi," The (h/c) boy said, taking his place between Towa and Erin, who still stared at him like he had some serious explaining to do, and, he'd admit, he definitely did.

Towa shot him an apologetic look right before Erin began speaking.

"There's an elephant in the- no, not an elephant, a skyscraper. Y/n, there's a skyscraper in this room right now," Erin said, crossing his arms. His deadpan expression made it unclear whether he was actually pissed or not, but Y/n knew his emotions didn't pass concern.

When Y/n didn't respond in four seconds flat, Wade did.

"Stalked. Mister, do you have a death wish or something? No survival instinct, I swear," Wade sighed, shaking his head disapprovingly. Now, his scolding was definitely a joke. The girl next to him giggled a little too loudly.

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