○ chapter 21. ●

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CWs: more home invasion, mentions of... odd practices, perverted jokes

few clues about the swine's identity dropped in this chapter. not anything that leads you to a certain person, but something that you can use to narrow it down a bit

list of characters will be at the bottom of this chapter


The Swine walked through the empty hallways, vacant as they always were at this time of night. Everyone was either out or sleeping, except for the usually-masked male himself. He was exhausted, stumbling slightly, but he had a mission.

He wanted to see Y/n. It'd been too long since he could speak to the (h/c) boy like the beloved being he was, having to settle with fear tactics until the boy understood. He disliked using them, disliked even more the way Y/n would react, but he couldn't take any risks. If Y/n was afraid of what The Swine could do (granted, he would never hurt Y/n majorly, but the (h/c) boy didn't know that), maybe he wouldn't try to leave.

The Swine didn't know how to deal with Y/n, not when he was actually talking to him in this... attire. In a more fortunate world, it would be just like talking to him when Y/n actually knew who he was. Unfortunately, this was not a more fortunate world, and The Swine was left trying to get Y/n to, sensibly, fear him, yet not hate him. If there was one thing a certain Leader taught The Swine, it was that it was much easier to handle a loved one who was in Y/n's position when said loved one didn't dislike who you were, only what you did.

The Swine, truthfully, never knew what exactly that meant. He assumed it meant that he couldn't redeem being a killer, but he might be able to get through to Y/n that he wasn't a bad person per se. Did The Swine know what that meant, or did he know how to achieve it? No.

He'd just have to... see how things played out, he supposed. If Y/n started to hate him, it'd be fine. He waited four years, he could wait longer for some sort of Stockholm syndrome to kick in, though that had a history of not always panning out the way their gang had expected.

The most present example was The Rabbit's lover, Molly. Sure, she was still in the process of being isolated (save for that boy she always protected like a son) and, for lack of a better term, love-bombed, but she showed zero signs of cracking under The Rabbit's affections.

The Swine's only comfort in that aspect was that Molly had a very... interesting character. She was intimidating, so much so that The Rabbit, who had a taste for finding the best cuts of meat off of a person for Miriam's enjoyment, couldn't look her in the eye. Maybe that was a symptom of her affection for the blonde woman, but The Swine hadn't had that problem before with Y/n (lie).

The Swine sighed at the thought of the (h/c) boy. He was much more timid, in a way, than Molly, though he wasn't a complete pussy either. He was beautiful too, not in a 'carved by steady hands to perfection' way, but perhaps created in an image of beauty to those who looked for it.

The Swine found it, so early into his existence that it was a shame he was fifteen years old and didn't yet have the strength or the bloodlust to carve out the eyes of those who found it before him. Y/n cared too much about them now, and The Swine wouldn't do anything to hurt him. He had to settle for people like Chleo, who had bled out under The Swine's knife before she could lay a finger on him, as she had planned to.

But, God, there were times The Swine, a brutal serial killer (if that wasn't made clear already), wanted so badly for Y/n to wrap those (s/c) fingers around his–

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