● chapter 10. ○

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CWs: Mentions of physical bullying, a little bit of cringe depending on how you process one of the scenes, f-slur.


"Stop riding Teagan's fucking dick for three seconds when your friend is in danger, dumbass."

The hallway's atmosphere was filled with bitter tension between a boy who enjoyed arguing and a boy who hated it. Arguments taking place in Y/n's friend group was not uncommon, but specifically between Erin and Ezra? That was once in a blue moon.

"You know I make stupid decisions! Why are you mad, anyway? If anyone should be yelling at me right now, it's Y/n," Ezra said truthfully, a point that Erin had thought over several times before talking to Ezra. If it could be called talking at this point, as it seemed to closely resemble repetitive yelling in, granted, hushed voices as to not disturb the few teachers who ate lunch in their classrooms.

"You know how Y/n is. He doesn't like confronting people when they do stupid shit, and I love confrontation," Erin spoke slowly, as if talking to a toddler. From the standpoint of a viewer, this whole argument was quite comical, given the huge height difference between both males, and which between the taller and the shorter were much more fiery.

"So are you doing this for Y/n or for the sake of yelling at me?" Ezra asked, eyebrows furrowed. There was a short pause where Erin considered his next words.

"Of course I'm doing it for Y/n. If I was doing this just to yell at you, I wouldn't even waste the time." And just like that, the argument lost some of its seriousness. Neither of the boys could stay angry at each other for very long time, and especially not over something that the potentially affected party (in this case, Y/n) didn't actually care about.

"So then why aren't you yelling at Teagan instead of me? You guys would have a much more productive argument."

"Oh, trust me, I know, but I'm scared of Teagan, and you're fun to yell at." Erin's expression turned into a smug grin. The brunet knew that Ezra was aware that what he and Teagan did was wrong, and that was the goal of the argument, after all, so he let Ezra go.

The dark-haired male blinked, opened his mouth, then shut it, nodding slightly in agreement. "I hear you there."

The topic nearly changed before the two boys heard a shoe screech behind them. Immediately, they spun around, only to find the least and most threatening girl manageable.

None other than Jamie Soseki, sister of Jonah. Jamie had the same dark, frizzy hair as her twin brother, though unlike Jonah, who usually appeared more friendly, she wore a blank face, decorated with a black eye.

"Oh, Jamie!" Ezra greeted, and then took a double-take. "Oh, Jamie.." He sucked a breath through his teeth, wincing a bit.

Erin stepped a bit behind Ezra.

"Sorry. I wasn't eavesdropping, promise. I just got stuck behind the two of you, and y'all started arguing, and I didn't want to seem weird by speeding up to walk past, so, yeah," Jamie explained dully, raising an eyebrow momentarily at Erin, before it dropped and she acknowledged Ezra's hesitant concern.

Her fingers ghosted over the bruise, a bitter look passing in her eyes.

"Don't be worried 'bout it. Nothing we can change, anyway," Jamie shrugged, starting to walk and tapping Ezra when he didn't immediately follow her. Erin followed the two of them, though pointedly kept Ezra in between them.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" Ezra asked hesitantly, treading very carefully with the girl who absolutely rocked Erin's shit one time for picking on Jonah.

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