● chapter 18. ○

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CWs: creepy behavior, implication of rape.

a character here is described as "well over a foot taller than y/n himself" so if you're huge and like 6'5 or some shit, i guess that means she's 7'8. in all seriousness, she's intended to be about 6'10, but you can adjust her height accordingly.

y/a: your area. if your area has a lot of conventions (this'll make sense when you read the chapter) then just pretend you never read it


Y/n's thoughts did not stray too far away from Grayson during the rest of his shift. He wanted to know for sure that the younger boy was safe, but 'safe' and 'Christian' did not correspond together. Y/n had already texted Erin so he'd know, a message that he hadn't received a response to. The (h/c) boy wouldn't be shocked if the other boy was still asleep at this hour.

Granted, the hour was four in the afternoon, but still.

Stacy brought Milo to work, currently working around her and her husband's schedules so they could keep their son safe at home. Milo was quiet and unobtrusive, so none of the staff minded his lingering presence. Some even tried to make conversation, though Y/n stayed planted at a safe distance, because he was scared of middle school kids.

Fortunately for Y/n, he was not the only one. Malikai looked at Milo like the dark-haired boy was going to jump on him at any moment. Milo looked back as if he was disgusted by every clothing choice made by Malikai that day, though in a silent, somehow-even-worse way.

Malikai leaned sideways, whispering to Y/n nervously. "He terrifies me."

"Suck it up and be a man," Y/n said, as if he wasn't also metaphorically shaking in his boots. It didn't count though, because Y/n was still basically a minor and Malikai was, what, twenty-one? In short, a man.

Malikai leaned back over to his own register, keeping his eyes on the ceiling.

Y/n was presented a distraction when an absolute unit of a woman walked in, her posture absolutely perfect and her hands clasped in front of her. She was well over a foot taller than Y/n himself. Another thing he noticed was that her face was strangely... smooth, almost glassy.

She walked over to Logan, something slow and intimidating about her demeanor. She wore a modest yet stylish black dress and looked like she was straight out of some sort of museum. Y/n tried not to stare, and Malikai looked like he was doing the same. The black-haired woman passed a note to Logan, who picked it up and read it. While both of them were distracted, Malikai turned to Y/n and mouthed 'goddamn.'

Y/n felt the same way, especially when Logan smiled at the woman, shook his head, and then proceeded to point at Y/n. Y/n's jaw actually dropped at that utter betrayal, as if he was the better fit to talk to this absolutely stunning woman.

She walked up to him and slid the same note over the counter, and Y/n was able to pick his jaw up off the floor before the woman regarded him truly. He looked up at her and noticed then that her face was not exactly... human. It was a prosthetic, made out of some sort of glossy material like porcelain. It was doll-like, especially with the red lipstick painted on the thin lips of the mask. Her eyes were invisible, replaced with black holes.

Y/n snapped out of his trance, unfolding the note and looking at its contents. A few small, simple words were written in neat handwriting.

'Have you seen this man?' It read, and below it was a picture of Christian. So that's why Logan sent her over to Y/n; because he knew Y/n had watched where him, Grayson, and that boy had went.

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