○ chapter 19. ●

590 36 140

^ original picture for the cover

CWs: violence, blood, mentions of abuse, self-harm, smoking, drinking.


By the time Y/n had left the Soseki family's house, the sky had darkened once more and the streetlights had turned on.

He'd been fed his fair share of cakes and soups, Taeko apparently being fond of cooking and wanting an opinion that wouldn't "spare his feelings." Well, after a while of working around baked goods, Y/n lost a taste for it, but he had, admittedly, spared Taeko's feelings and complimented the baking anyway. The soup was good, though, and Y/n had pleased Taeko (this time unintentionally) by having a bowl or two.

Not for the first time, Y/n found himself riddled with discomfort. He wasn't sure how he kept finding himself walking alone in the dark, but by now he needed to adjust his schedule to prevent it from happening so much. It was this setting that brought back bad memories.

"Y/n, oh my god, Y/n, it's you. Fuck, I'm- I won't come back. Just- just tell Erin, Towa, Hannah, all of them, tell them I love them. I love you, Y/n. Don't forget that, okay? I love you, Y/n, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."

Y/n had sworn he wouldn't forget him, but that moment, that pleading, as if he had to convince Y/n to comply, was something the (h/c) boy never wanted to think of again. It hurt too much. Hurt that Y/n had looked everywhere in the pouring rain, nothing fully visible under the light of the moon and through the tears in his eyes. Looked everywhere and found nothing.

He never forgave himself for that.

A cold hand took his in that moment, and he was snapped out of his thoughts. The distraction was welcome, but he turned to look at whoever grabbed his hand and was met with a sheep. Y/n jerked his hand away, but the sheep held onto it.

"Need someone to walk you home, love?" A voice said through muffled laughter, and Y/n turned only to be met with a lanky guy in a black boar mask. He was shirtless and had so many tattoos, his entire, once tanned torso was darkened with ink. His ears and nipples were pierced and Y/n would guess that there were more underneath the mask.

The sheep-headed girl was dressed much differently, in a pastel pink and white dress that was complimented by the white mask. The skin that was exposed was pale-white and cold to the touch. It was odd.

Why does this keep happening to me? Y/n thought, unsure if he was supposed to be scared or not. The masks were unnerving, especially because it seemed to be a reoccurring accessory. The Swine, the rabbit-masked girl, the clowns, The Fish, and now The Boar and The Sheep. Was this some sort of cult?

"No," Y/n answered anyway, at the faint chance that maybe they'd leave him alone if he denied the offer. I guess hope is all I have right now.

"It wasn't a question," The Boar said.

Hope is a bitch.

"Right," Y/n mumbled, disappointed but not terribly surprised. Unlike his little walk with the clowns the other night, Y/n felt like he wasn't being dragged places. The Boar kept his hands off of him entirely and The Sheep simply just held his hand, albeit a little tightly when Y/n tried to pull away.

"You don't seem very scared," The Boar observed, his hands shoved carelessly into the pockets of his baggy pants. If he wasn't a possible member of some sort of evil organization (god, that label made it sound like something out of a cartoon), Y/n would admit that he was quite attractive. Then again, he'd admitted it for both Chris and Christian, and both of them were, well, borderline-pedophilic.

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