● chapter 14. ○

779 44 208

CWs: guns, drugging, f-slur, my shitty, spelled out impression of a southern accent, gross ass joke.

fight, flight, freeze, or faun. in situations of potential or evident danger, which do you react with, and most importantly, do you really think it'll ever save you?


The crowd had doubled.

It was not yet suffocating to where Y/n would rather take the cloud of mango flavored air on the front porch or the competitive, shouting teens in the back than stay inside any longer, but Y/n was definitely holding Towa's hand a little tight. The (h/c) boy had been put in charge of guarding the drinks, which sat on a small table that he was planted in front of.

Dayton and Micha had joined the group finally, indulging in small talk with Ezra and Teagan.

Micha was... in the kindest way possible, very much out of Dayton's league. He was soft-spoken, attractive, and good-natured. Dayton was... well, he was Dayton. He asked Y/n if he'd ever wanted to fuck a cantaloupe. Dayton probably had fucked a cantaloupe.

But Y/n observed a startling change in Dayton when Micha was around. It wasn't huge, but it was strange for someone like Dayton, and telling in the way it was apparent to Y/n in the, what, ten minutes he'd been listening to their interactions? The change itself was how quiet Dayton was, unobtrusive and letting Micha finish every sentence before chiming in (something that would be impossible had it been an average day at the lunch table, where Micha was not present and Dayton was as annoying as his usual self). Y/n also noticed that, woah, the blond boy wasn't talking about sex or getting high? This was a change indeed.

It was likely because Dayton wanted to impress Micha with this second face of his, but also because Micha, from what Y/n had been hearing, was not a fan of drugs or sex, being asexual and a former addict himself. This information was shared freely and openly, and Y/n was left yet again to wonder: how the fuck did this friendship come to be?

Y/n let go of Towa's hand to pick up his untouched cup. Wade had mentioned that nothing was alcoholic (because Taylen knew that if the party-goers were desperate enough, they'd bring their own, and then he wouldn't technically be responsible), but Y/n still took a pathetically dainty sip of the semi-cool drink.

"Micha's so nice. It's a shame he never sits with us," Teagan mused aloud to no one specifically, after Micha and Dayton had left once more to go and privately talk about whatever there was to talk about between them (Y/n was still reeling a bit from what he'd learned about Micha. What does Dayton talk about with him? What's that dumb bitch like around him? Dayton with no drugs and sex is like Schneider with no feet...).

"I don't blame him," Wade shrugged, and it was offensive how the brunet made sure to look at Y/n specifically while he said, "I mean, we all know that Erin scares away the bad bitches. He is a closeted bigot."

Hannah snorted, "That closet is water. Some shitty sink water that tastes like plastic."

Y/n did laugh at that, thoughts drifting somewhere into space, as per usual, while Ezra started to defend shitty sink water. Erin was a bit of an asshole towards certain people, and the (h/c) boy, delusional enough to water down Erin's assholeness with that 'a bit,' yet not so delusional to pretend he didn't know what Wade was referring to, would admit that the brunet would without a doubt tease Micha for his speech impediment.

Maybe he wouldn't mean to, or, at least, it wouldn't be personal, but he would. Definitely, definitely, would. Micha's stutter wasn't that noticeable, but Y/n could see Erin repeating it when he caught it, a goofy smile on his face that made you think, 'is he making fun of me or is he just a guy?'

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