Chapter One: Pitch's Daughter

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Spirits needed people to believe in them to be seen. Spirits needed the hope from children that they exist. Without that hope, well... the spirit is doomed to forever not be seen. They're not believed in. Do you know how heartbreaking that is for the spirit? It's terrible. It's like losing a part of yourself.

That's the hope that my father, Pitch, lacked. And he handed that down to me. It's a crazy curse.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. "What?! Your father is Pitch? That's crazy!" I've heard this a million times from the flowers that I told my story to. No one else was really around to listen anyways, so... they were my only friends. My dad was never the caring kind dad who's always loyally by your side. He was always brewing up ideas to try and hurt the Guardians that protected the children from him. He wanted to drown the world in unhappiness. He wanted to be believed in. He was desperate, even though he's definitely not willing to admit it. He was obsessed with destroying the Guardians once and for all, but he could never succeed. He tried to bring me into his schemes once or twice, but I swore that I would never take after him, even though I could cast shadows with a thought in my head.

I glanced down at the children beneath me as I sat on the roof of the playground castle, watching as the snow fell from the sky. How I longed to be understood. How I longed to be seen. How I longed to be believed in. How I longed for my dad to just turn around and spend time with me. But he won't. One of the children glanced up at where I sat and I felt a tinge of hope. Could she see me? Did she know who I was?

But when she looked away, my heart sank. She didn't see me.

"Kiara." I jumped when the shadow orb in my pocket buzzed. It was my father. I sighed and then grabbed it, swinging my bare feet up as I floated above the playground, watching the children run to their parents. I wish I could run to my father like that.

"Yeah, Dad?" I whispered and my father's stern voice came through the shadow orb, sounding cracked. I frowned down at it. I needed to get this thing more powerful once I got home.

"Where are you?" My father asked and I sighed.

"The usual spot. The playground. I'm not going to get spotted, you know, because of you. No one knows who I am and you've gotta know someone to believe in them, right?" I raised a dark eyebrow and I heard my father sigh through the shadow orb. I could almost see him rubbing his forehead in exasperation.

"Just come back home this instant. I can't have the Guardians seeing you." My father warned me and I scoffed.

Like you care. "Fine. I'm coming home now." I tucked the shadow orb back into my pocket and looked up at the sky, where the snow kept falling, sticking onto the trees. I put one finger out and caught a snowflake. The tiny spot of cold burned against my fingertip and I put it in my mouth, smiling. The snow was beautiful.

"Mommy?" I looked down to find a little boy looking up at the snow. "Where does the snow come from, Mommy?"

"The snow, my love?" The mother asked and the child nodded. Hm. Where does the snow come from? I thought and then sat down, crossing my legs and smoothing out my long, black dress as I listened to the mother talk.

"Yeah, Mommy. The snow." The child whispered eagerly, "Does it come from Santa Claus, Mommy?"

I scoffed. Even though my father and I were different, I still found the hope in the other Guardians funny. That's just how I was raised. Santa Claus. The big man with a great white beard and red suit. It's funny how many people believed. That old man is in charge of toys, kiddo. Not the weather. I wanted to say, but it's not like he could hear me anyways, so why bother?

"No, my dear." The mother shook her head, "The snow comes from someone named Jack Frost."

"Jack Frost?" The kid whispered, his eyes wide.

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