Chapter Sixteen: Memories and Sacrifice

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There was nothing that you could say that would make me feel better at this moment. Watching Shade, brainwashed and ready to kill, and Jack... laying on the ground, barely conscious and waiting for death to take him, it was all too much. I had to go down there, but my father... he looked at me, nailing me into place. He grinned at the tortured expression on my face and he came over, putting one hand on my shoulder as he leaned down until his mouth was right beside my ear. "So... let's make a deal, daughter. I love deals."

"And you like to break them, too." I tried to say fiercely, but I was still rooted into place, watching Shade circle Jack. Please wake up. I wanted both of them to wake up and to realize that they are not each other's enemy. Shade was a panther that I loved and adored. Jack was my boyfriend and the sole person that understood all the crap that I go through. None of them could die. I glared at Dad, "Let Shade go, Dad."

"I can't let him go." Dad smirked, "Your little boyfriend is too much trouble. Once Shade eliminates Jack, I'll let Shade go and you can live your happy little life without me. I don't care if you want to come back. I will rise to fame... when the Guardians fall."

"You won't win." I snarled, breaking free from my father's gaze and running towards the edge of the cliff, trying to fly down so that I could help Jack and tame Shade. "Good always triumphs over evil."

Shadows shot from the ice and then latched onto my wrists and ankles, forcing me back down onto the ground. I strained against them but it was no use. My father's magic has always been stronger than mine. Dad smirked as I fought against his magic, trying to call off the shadows. But it was like throwing a punch against water. Ineffective by the time it got there.

"I will always win, Kiara." Dad leaned down and brushed a lock of my hair aside, revealing my ear to the cold, biting oxygen around us. "And when I do, I will offer you one more chance. Join me at my side. Be my daughter." Be my weapon. I almost heard him whisper and I threw my head back, my skull cracking against my father's nose and making him jump back with a bellow of pain. He glared at me as he covered his nose, black blood dripping between his fingers. "You will pay for that. Or rather, your boyfriend will."

"Hurt Jack and I will stab you over and over in the deepest, darkest, vilest depths of hell!" I screamed, "Let me go!"

"Don't test my patience, daughter." Dad grabbed my chin, forcing me to look into that hateful face. Blood dropped from his chin and I yanked my face away from his grip, snapping my teeth. My dad reared back, "My goodness. You are almost like a savage animal."

"You made me into one." I growled, throwing one more attempt at breaking my father's magic around me. The shadows were hateful, vile, and just plain restraints. I can fight them. I can beat them. I can beat my father. I closed my eyes and concentrated, thinking of Jack. I believe in you. The chains around my wrists started to wither, hissing as they tried to remain their hold. I love you. The chains snapped and Dad glared at them with a frown.

"Kiara, stop it. You can't beat me." Dad whispered, "You can't beat anyone."

I'll always be here for you. My eyes snapped open as they glowed a bright, brilliant gold. I pulled one wrist towards me and the chains snapped. I love you. The other chain broke apart. I love you. The ones on my ankles ignited and then burned to ash, I. Love. You. But this time, it was my mother telling me that she loved me.

I screamed as the chains finally broke apart and I turned to Dad, a malicious grin that matched his old one, as his expression was replaced by shock now. "Checkmate, Dad." I growled before I leapt down into the ravine.

"Kiara, stop!" Dad shouted, a hint of concern for my well being I ignored him and then snapped my fingers as I landed, getting Shade's attention. My panther turned to me, prickling with anger as his eyes narrowed and his teeth bared. I held up my hands, my fingers spread as Jack slowly started to stir, widening his eyes when he saw Shade in front of him, now facing me.

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