Chapter Nine: Come Out and Play...

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Whew!" Jack plopped down next to me with a thump, closing his eyes as he tilted his head towards the moon. I smiled at him; he looked really cute when he was tilting his head at the moon. He opened his eyes and then his gaze met mine with startling speed. I couldn't hold back a gasp and he squeezed my shoulder with his hand, showing his concern without words.

"Sorry. I'm fine." I quickly amended and Jack nodded, holding his gaze before staring into the sky again.

"You know..." Jack smiled at me, "Being with you... it finally makes me feel like I have a purpose. I know that I was with the Guardians for a few days but with them, I still felt empty. You're the only one who makes me feel completed, believed in, and... well, loved."

"Awww." I put my hands to my heart, "Thanks. Well, you make me feel believed in, too, Jack."

Jack smiled genuinely and then North bellowed at us, "Come, Jack Frost and Kiara Black! We have one last house in Burgess to get to!" I stuck my pinky in my ear with a grimace. Even from a few roofs away, his volume still made me feel like I was standing right next to him as he was yelling.

"Isn't he afraid of waking up the kids? I mean, they can hear him, right? He is the most believed spirit... entity... on the planet." I whispered to Jack, who chuckled and shook his head.

"Don't ever say that to Bunny's face." Jack warned me before we flew off the roof together, side by side.

The air was cold, rushing against me. Jack flew ahead of me and I glared at Jack, "Are you blowing wind in my face right now?"

"Not intentionally..." Jack shrugged his shoulders and looked over his shoulder at me, "Probably just because I'm a little excited tonight. You know, you're officially a good guy according to the Guardians and we're having fun out here. It just feels like I don't need to be worried about anything."

"I was really worried for you, you know." I whispered vulnerably, "I thought something bad had happened to you when you disappeared on me for a day."

"I'm sorry I made you worry." Jack gripped my hand with his and then slung his arm around me, "I won't ever leave you like that again." He promised me.

"Well, thanks." I whispered, putting my cheek on his head.

"Hey, lovebirds!" North called from the front, "It's time that we go into Jamie Bennet's room! Are you ready to collect the final tooth in the world?"

"Wow, special kid." I said, bluntly ignoring the lovebird comment. Jack, on the other hand, flushed like crazy, making me avert my gaze quickly before I started blushing, too. Jack was handsome, no doubt about it, but... he was too good for someone like me. He was too good for Pitch's daughter.

"Y-yeah." Jack stammered as soon as he recovered, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish grin.

"Oy, mate." Bunny hopped off next to Jack as I floated forward, peering through the window where Jamie was sleeping soundly. "You into that girl?" I pretended I didn't hear that, but I knew that Bunny was referring to me.

"None of your business, Bunny. Since when were you so interested in talking to me anyways?" Jack shrugged Bunny off and then floated behind me, like some cautious parent watching over their kid. I shook my head mentally with a physical smile on my face and we all floated into the room.

"Kiara? Why don't you do the honors?" Toothiana suggested and I held back a grin as I nodded, sliding in between the space between North and Sandman as I delicately slid my hand under the pillow and pulled out the tooth.

"This is from a freak sled accident." I whispered, pointing at the newly scribbled drawing on the wall. I looked over at Jack and rolled my eyes, tsking. "You almost killed the kid, Jack."

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