Chapter Eight: Teeth Hunting

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Leaping across the buildings was exhilarating.

"There's a molar in that house over there!" Toothiana declared excitedly as she zoomed alongside us. I smirked at her excitement and Jack landed right next to me, smirking, too as he held up the bag of teeth that he had.

"Really small bag." I teased Jack and he glared at me playfully.

"I'm just getting started, Kia." He grinned as he zoomed off into the house where the molar was. The boys were seemingly having some sort of race of who could get the most teeth. I wasn't in the competition, but I gave "motivating" words out there every now and then.

"Thank you, Toothiana." I said as we both floated over the town.

"For what, love?" Toothiana asked, tilting her head as her wings buzzed behind her like a humming bird's does.

"For accepting me." I whispered, "For being there for me."

"Well, anytime." Toothiana smiled, "And you're welcome, Kiara. I'm glad that you feel accepted into this family that the Guardians and I are."

"Have you made Jack a Guardian yet?" I asked, hearing my friend's whoops slice into the sky cleanly. I smiled; he was such a goofball.

"We tried to, but he cut off the official ceremony before we could really do anything." Toothiana informed me and I lifted both eyebrows. "But it's okay. He's a Guardian, just... minus the fancy ceremony." Toothiana added on later and I lowered my eyebrows.

"Good for him." I said.

"Come on, Kiara!" Jack beckoned at me from a roof three houses away, "Stop talking! Enter the race! You can be on my team if you don't wanna be solo!"

I snorted and Toothiana gently nudged me, "Go ahead! I'll be busy anyways!"

"Okay." I flew over to Jack, who slung his arm around my shoulders.

"You going slow, Bunny?" Jack teased Bunny as he hopped onto another roof, his eyes glinting as he ran. "Kiara and I are getting ahead of you." Jack laced his hands behind his head with a smirk.

"You can't do that, mate! You have double the teeth now!" Bunny protested as he appeared from a hole in the roof Jack and I had perched ourselves onto, making me shrink back in shock before I rolled my eyes.

"Unfortunately, Bunny is right for once in his life." I said to Jack, "That's not really fair to everyone else..."

"Are you okay with solo teams, then?" Jack asked me concerningly.

"I'll survive. Thanks for your concern." I added as I zipped off into the sky, feeling free, feeling the adrenaline rush through me, feeling... alive. I landed in a house and slid my hand underneath the kid's pillow. I emerged with a small, pale tooth and I tucked it in my bag. North landed in the house with a thud and he looked over at me. I waved my bag at him.

"You already have the tooth?" North asked me and I nodded. He raised both eyebrows, "Impressive."

"Thanks." I said, "Sorry for beating you to it."

"No problem." North grinned mischievously, "There are plenty more houses around the world with teeth!" He flashed a toothy smile that you see in the holiday pictures before he flew out of the window and leapt into another chimney. I laughed and flew out of the house, looking over my shoulder as Toothiana zipped around the town, shouting out teeth names. She bonked her head into a billboard and I muffled a giggle, flying over to help her up. Jack flew over, too, and he gripped Toothiana's other arm as we both hauled her up. Toothiana pinched her nose, but she had a grin nailed to her face.

"Are you okay, Tooth?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, sorry." Toothiana grinned sheepishly, "I just got a little excited."

"How long has it been since you've been out here?" Jack questioned. I smirked and Jack rolled his eyes with a grin.

"It's been... uh... 400 years, give or take?" Toothiana tried and I blew out a heavy breath.

"Wow." I whispered.

"You've been around a lot longer than Kiara and I have." Jack commented, ruffling his silver-white hair back.

"Yeah, you think?" I asked and dove into another house. I stepped in cautiously, trying not to wake the child, before I fell into a rabbit hole with a muffled scream. Bunny glanced down at me and grinned, holding up the tooth in his paw.

"Sorry, Kiara, but I've gotta get ahead of everyone!" Bunny sang down to me as I struggled to climb back up and then a chill frosted over the air. I looked up to find Jack smirking down at me.

"Come on, before he melts!" Jack hauled me up from the hole with ease and I brushed dirt off of my dress and jacket, frowning when I plucked a piece of grass from my hair. Next to us, Bunny was encased in ice, his features frozen with fury. I tapped his nose through the ice before catching the tooth I was supposed to take.

"This rabbit owes me a clean dress and jacket." I grimaced and Jack snorted.

"I highly doubt he's gonna give that to you. Now come on! We can try and hit the houses together." Jack suggested and I nodded, tucking a small coin beneath the child's pillow as I flew after Jack.


"You guys did amazing!" Toothiana praised as we all held up our bags. Mine was the smallest, unfortunately, but I wasn't really in the competition anyways. "Did you remember to leave gifts?" Toothiana questioned and the boys froze. I lifted an eyebrow as I raised my hand hesitantly into the air.

"I left coins behind." I offered and Tooth facepalmed at the boys.

"You forgot the gifts?!" She exclaimed and North leapt down a chimney, Bunny down a rabbit hole, Sandman floated off into the sky, and Jack floated into the air quickly, snowflakes flurrying around him.

"Be right back, Kia!" He shouted and then he was gone into the air.

Toothiana shook her head and muttered, "Boys."

I snorted, crossing my arms as I watched them compete against the rooftops, pulling ridiculous stunts to leave their gifts behind. I could get used to this family.

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