Chapter Eleven: Truth That Cuts

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Darkness finally turned into light as I blinked my eyes, slowly coming back to the world of consciousness. I rolled over onto my side and then groaned in pain when my shoulder started hurting. I looked over and realized that I had been changed into a black tube top, exposing my shoulders to the cold air. I sat up and then saw Jack at the window, staring out into the frozen wasteland, his hood over his head. I got out of bed and then walked up to him, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Jack...?" I said hesitantly and then Jack turned around, his eyes shining with unshed tears, his fingers running along the doll that North had supposedly given to him. Jack looked at me, his eyes widening in disbelief, before he got up and hugged me, removing his hood.

"I thought you weren't going to wake up." Jack whispered hoarsely, as if he had been crying, "That knife was 6 centimeters long and it was a poisoned nightmare knife! Are you feeling okay?"

"I... I'm feeling fine." I tightened my grip on Jack's shoulders, thinking about the last words that Jack had said to me before I passed out. I love you. The truth is, I liked Jack, too. A lot. It's just... I was just uncertain about how he felt.

Grief washed over me as Jack pulled back, one hand still on my shoulder. "You missed the memorial that the Guardians held for Sandy."

I shook my head, tears already forming in my eyes. I choked them down, even though one drew a river down my cheek. "Please don't talk about Sandy. I can't talk about him."

"He's..." Jack shook his head, "Never mind."

We sat in silence before I looked over at Jack and then took his hand, making him look up at me, too. "How long was I out for?" I asked, my voice trembling as the thought of Sandy still lingered in my mind. The horrifying look on my dad's face as he shot down the Guardian, the pain that lanced through me as he stabbed me with a knife, the pain...

"A few hours." Jack responded, "I've been sitting here the whole time."

"You really care about me." I lightly joked and Jack squeezed my hand with his own, his eyes vivid with emotion and mostly hurt.

"Of course I care about you! I l-" Jack swallowed what he was about to say and then ducked his head, "You're my best friend. I care about you a lot, you know?"

"Is it really that hard for Jack Frost to admit how much you care for me?" I teased, elbowing him in the side. He smirked slightly, the first happy thing he's done since I had woken up.

"No." He laughed, "I can talk about it all day."

My face flushed pink and I adjusted my tube top, careful not to ruin the bandages. "So can I." I whispered, Jack's words coming back into my mind like a tidal wave. I love you.

"Kia..." Jack said, bringing my attention back to him. "There's actually something I wanted to talk to you about..."

Please don't be about Sandman. I thought softly before nodding. "Sure. What is it, Jack?"

"Why did you hide it from me?" Jack asked softly, "Your magic? Why do you never use your shadow magic? I know it exists now, after you tried to kill the Nightmare legion back in the sky."

I froze, my hands clasped together. I took a deep breath and then shook my head, "Please, Jack. I don't want to talk about this, either. It's... It's complicated."

"You keep hiding things from me." Jack stood up, his staff on the ground, frost trailing in its wake. "Will you ever tell me one thing about you that's true? Will you ever be open and vulnerable with me?"

"I'm trying." I protested, getting up as well. "It's just that some stuff in my life is personal and I don't want to share that sometimes. Sometimes, I just wanna keep it quiet. I don't wanna think about it because it hurts."

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