Boiling Point

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 "So, this whole tax thing is just a pissing contest between the emperor and Isaaik?" Alyss spat. She grit her teeth. "And they're forcing you to stand in the crossfire?"

Ashreya buttoned her shirt back up and walked over to the bed. She sat down beside Alyss and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Is there nothing you can do to escape it?" Morgyn followed Ash back to the bed and sat down on her other side.

Ash shook her head. "House Mantin has served the crown for centuries. I may be the youngest daughter, but there are still things that are expected of me. I am to serve His Majesty as is needed of me, and I am to serve my family with my entire being. And my family still needs me to serve His Majesty."

"So, your family is forcing you to do this?" Morgyn asked.

"Doesn't sound like much of a family to me." Alyss scoffed.

"They are the only family I have!" Ash slammed her fist onto the bed. "If I didn't bear their blood and name, then I would have been just another pig to be whored and slaved as my masters would see fit."

"Why would you think that?" Morgyn gently placed his hand on hers.

"Because that's all I'm good for!" She stood up and slapped his hand away. "I can't even do something as simple as collecting taxes. I've even ruined every marriage prospect my father arranged for me. What good is a woman who can't do anything she's expected to?"

"And why do you care what they expect of you?" Alyss spoke with a sternness in her voice. "Why does a family that doesn't even love you get to determine your value?"

Ashreya clenched her fists. "Get out." She said softly.

"Ash-" Morgyn reached for her again.

"Get out!" Ash stepped away from him. "I wish for you to leave. So, leave."

Alyss took a deep breath and stood up from the bed. She headed straight for the door.

"I should have never thought I could get you two to understand." Ash muttered with a defeated look on her face.

Morgyn paused before he reached the door. "The other day, Ash. . . you told me you were content with where you are now. I knew it then to be a lie, and now I am even more certain."

"Morgyn, please, just leave. I'm tired, I'm just so tired of this." She pleaded.

"I know, Ash. But let's say that I'm wrong - that maybe you are content with where you're at." Morgyn lowered his gaze. "I just wanted to say that, perhaps it's not that you are truly bad at these things, but that maybe you simply aren't where you belong."

Ash remained silent.

"Think about it, Ash." Morgyn turned to give her a sweet smile. "And, I hope you have a good night." He closed the door behind him.

Alyss leaned against the opposite wall from Ashreya's room. She met Morgyn's gaze as he exited the room before turning and opening the door to theirs without a word. Is there anything wrong with just doing what you want? Why should others' expectations weigh me down? Even if it hurts her so-called family, does it really matter given how they seem to treat her? Ashreya's words reverberate in Alyss's head: "They are the only family I have!" Alyss turned to face Morgyn. But that's different, isn't it? Morgyn would never treat me like that, so it's worth it to hold myself back. I don't want to hurt him. But. . . if he did start to treat me that way, would I be able to just suddenly abandon him?

"Is something wrong, Alyss?" Morgyn looked at her with a worried expression.

Alyss shook her head, then averted her eyes a moment before meeting Morgyn's gaze again. I could never do that, because. . . "It's just that, I want to have a family too, you know? No matter what, I don't want us to be the kind of family that manipulates people into doing what we want." . . .he's all that I have.

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