Embers in the Dark

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Alyss and Morgyn laid on opposite sides of the bed that night. Neither of them was able to sleep. And when that following morning came, their feet brought them to the library with a determined stride. They hadn't seen Benard in several days, and their interactions with Ashreya were infrequent. They kept Isaaik at an arm's length, and used everything they could – learned everything they could. They would read several books and documents from one shelf, taking in the history and social customs as they came, then then they would move on as soon as they felt they understood the fundamentals.

Another morning passed, and the heat of the afternoon could be felt in force, but the two reapers didn't seem to mind. Morgyn passed by the open doorway labeled RESTRICTED once again. His eyes narrowed as he sneaked a glance at the staircase leading down to some unknown archive full of forbidden texts, or priceless works. Morgyn didn't know – he could only let his imagination run wild. What he did know, however, was that somewhere down there was the origin of those voices, those sounds – sounds that could not be heard, yet he clearly felt. He kept walking.

Something is down there. I don't know what, but I have this sinking feeling whenever I look in that direction. Whatever it is, it's important. Morgyn sighed as he set another book back onto its respective shelf.

"What is it?" Alyss poked the back of his head. "You've been sighing for like an hour now. Is it about last night?"

"No, it isn't." Morgyn cracked a weak smile. "I know we were both frustrated, so I'm not mad at you, and I hope you aren't mad at me either-"

"I'm not." Alyss sat down and leaned against him.

"But there's something that's been bothering me." Morgyn grasped her hand.

"What is it?"

"There's a room here that's off-limits. It's incredibly suspicious." Morgyn's eyes narrowed. "I keep feeling something coming from there. Sounds – all manner of sounds, but I don't hear them exactly. . . I feel them."

Alyss was lost in thought for a moment. "Do you think it could be souls?"

"Souls?" Morgyn pondered the idea.

"Yeah, it's actually how I've always thought of them." Alyss smiled. "Fluctuations in the soul are like notes on a sheet of music."

"You may be right." Morgyn stood up. "If those were soul fluctuations, then I'd imagine dozens or hundreds of souls are down that staircase. Though, I'm not sure what they could be doing to cause all that flux."

"Having a party, maybe?" Alyss chuckled and stretched her arms.

"Below a library?" Morgyn laughed at the thought. "Besides, I've certainly never seen that many people come into here. At least, not enough to cause that kind of soul flux."

"Do you wanna go check it out, then?" Alyss stood up with a mischievous grin across her face. "I was thinking I needed a break."

Morgyn nodded. "Although. . ." His brow wrinkled. "I may need you to distract that librarian."

"Dulana?" Alyss's grin disappeared. "What for?"

"She's been guarding that room faithfully." Whatever is down there, she definitely doesn't want anyone to find out. "The only way I'm getting in there unimpeded is if her back is turned the other way." Morgyn shook his head and crossed his arms. "Can you do that for me?"

"What if it's dangerous?" Alyss scowled. "I can handle a fight if the going gets tough, but can you?"

"I. . ." Morgyn's gaze drifted to the floor. "I don't know. . ." He clenched his fists. "But I have to do something."

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