Like Rabbits

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Morgyn relayed the reapers' request to Ashreya.

Ash's gaze fixated on the window while she remained in bed. She agreed to the abrupt request without complaint or question, but her voice was devoid of energy.

"And about the other thing we asked you?" Morgyn hesitated.

"Can you give me some more time?" Ashreya said after a short pause. "I'm sorry, Morgyn. My thoughts are just. . ." She sighed quietly.

"It's okay, Ash. We can speak again in the morning." Morgyn shut the door gently as he left.

Morgyn followed after Benard and Alyss into the city to prepare for the upcoming journey.

An hour after the sun went down, Alyss and Morgyn reached the corridor at the top of the staircase on the fourth floor of the palace. Benard followed shortly after and carried the packs full of supplies into his room. Alyss and Morgyn wished him a good night and proceeded to their own.

"Did Ash say anything about whether or not she's coming with us?" Alyss asked as she placed her hand on the door handle.

Morgyn shook his head.

"Thought so," Alyss sighed. "I guess we'll know in the morning, but it didn't sound hopeful."

"Maybe I can ask again?" Morgyn turned around and walked over to Ashreya's door. He hesitated for a moment, then knocked gently on the door. There was no answer. He knocked again. "Ash?"

"Maybe she's already asleep?" Alyss shrugged. "We have an early departure tomorrow."

"I suppose." Morgyn muttered.

The two reapers headed into their room and turned out the light before sliding under the covers. Several minutes passed before they heard a gentle knock on their door.

"It's me," Ashreya spoke softly from the corridor. "May I come in?"

"Of course!" Alyss beamed. "Come in, come in."

Morgyn sat up and lit a candle on the bedside table.

Ashreya slowly opened the door and closed it behind her, being careful not to make a sound. Her violet nightgown covered everything below the neck, while leaving a small window for her cleavage to show. She walked slowly through the room and stood silently at the foot of the bed. She swallowed the lump in her throat while she tried to get the words out.

"Ash?" Morgyn gave her a worried look. "Are you okay?"

Ash fidgeted and tightened her fingers into a fist over her heart sending slight creases into the fabric of her nightgown. She opened her mouth, but her lips trembled, and no words could escape them.

"You look lovely tonight." Alyss smiled, her face heating up slightly. "Was there something you wanted to say?"

Ashreya nodded, swallowing again. She shifted her gaze to match Alyss's, then she looked longingly into Morgyn's. "I. . ." She took a deep breath. "I want you to take me far away from here—to a place I've never been."

Heated breath escaped the reapers' throats.

"Just for the night." Ashreya pulled down the shoulder cuffs of her nightgown and let it fall to the floor.

Ash's face relaxed as she placed one knee at the foot of the bed. Before the reapers could mutter a word through the awe gripping their throats, she climbed atop the blankets and straightened her back. She held their hot gazes with the gleam of her bare skin as droplets of water left behind by her bath slid gently down her breasts. Her body heated up and her cheeks reddened as the running moisture led their gazes to her nipples. Her breath staggered slightly and her skin trembled, fighting the urge to cover herself and look away.

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