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Alyss and Morgyn reached the ruins first. Benard arrived a few minutes later. Though they were called ruins, the fort itself was still standing strong. It was abandoned and in disrepair, yet the stone walls were all intact.

Alyss got off of the horse first to look around. Once Benard arrived, Morgyn helped him climb down. Benard and his horse both had multiple injuries.

"Wait," Benard pushed Morgyn's hands away and leaned against the stone wall of the barracks. He pointed at the gate. "You need to close it."

Morgyn nodded and pulled the large wooden gate shut. He slid the reinforced wooden brace through the brackets and locked it.

Benard's breath was heavy. He pulled his bloody hand off of his side and winced at the gash underneath.

"Are you going to live?" Morgyn asked with a worried expression.

Benard nodded. "Never seen so many ghouls in one place like that though."

"What were those things – the ones in black." Alyss approached.

"Dreadwraiths." Benard staggered back to his feet. "One of the main reasons humanity is still around. We got lucky."

"Didn't Rendhal say they arrived through the sky fissure just like the ghouls?" Alyss raised an eyebrow.

"They did," Benard coughed up blood as he limped toward the barracks. "At least I think they did."

Morgyn slung Benard's arm over his shoulder.

"Thanks," Benard muttered. "For some reason, the wraiths and ghouls don't get along. Nobody really knows why, but they seldom kill humans." with Morgyn's assistance, Benard laid down on a bed inside the barracks. "You two really don't know anything." He sighed. "I had heard that sages often live the majority of their lives in seclusion, but this is a bit surprising." He chuckled.

"Will you be able to make it to the village?" Alyss asked.

"I already told Morgyn, but it's only a flesh wound. It needs to be cleaned, but I'll be fine."

"Would there be any medicine here?" Morgyn shifted his gaze around the room. "Your horse isn't doing well either."

Benard shook his head. "Most likely not – we'll have to look for some in the village, but I don't think the horses will take us there as fast as we need them too after that. They need rest. As do I."

"Then we're staying here for another day and night?" Alyss furrowed her brow.

Benard nodded and coughed. "Water. . ." He glanced at Morgyn.


"There should be a well nearby." Benard muttered. "Get a bucket to help clean my wound."

Morgyn left in a hurry and searched for the well. Though he found it quickly, his heart sank the moment he peered into its depths. He returned to Benard's side with a concerned expression. "The well is dried up," he spoke through choked breaths.

Benard's face contorted at the harsh truth. This fort has been abandoned for years now. Why am I surprised.

"There must be another water source nearby," Alyss suggested.

"There isn't." Benard shook his head.

"I could go search for the river-"

"There isn't!" Benard spat. "There isn't another water source nearby. There isn't."

Alyss and Morgyn went silent.

"Listen to me." Benard grabbed Morgyn's wrist. "Forget what I said earlier." His voice seemed to crack. "You two. . . are special. You aren't like the rest of us – I see that now. I don't know how. I don't know why. But I know. And I know the commander means well, but I also know that the good intentions of good people aren't always good for everybody." His grip tightened. "Live your lives. Forget about me. Forget about the commander. Forget about Herongrand and that prick, Isaaik. Forget about the girl and the dreadknights. Forget about it all – even the good people you have to leave behind, and live. . . Live your fucking lives, and you'll become something great."

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