The Last Stand

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 Sanele strode back into the darkness, leaving the stunned Talonguard behind. Once the words finally sunk in, the messenger jumped back atop his horse and swiftly rode back to meet the lord commander.

"Lord Commander!" The messenger exclaimed as his horse broke through the Talonguard front line to meet the officers.

"What did he say?" Isaaik spoke calmly.

"He said they would get their release one way or the other, and that we need either get out of their way or 'join in the other,'" the messenger said solemnly.

"How absurd," said the black-haired officer. "They don't actually believe they can win, do they? Let me put a bolt in that general's chest, and we'll see how quickly the band of vagrants falls apart."

"You'll do no such thing, Meier. We need him alive." Isaaik grunted. "No matter the cost."

The black-haired officer, Meier, set down his crossbow and sighed. "Have it your way, Lord Commander."

"Kastor." Isaaik addressed the bronze knight. "Take your riders and form a line. Meet the prisoners on the front, and when they flee, keep at a steady pace behind them until Hareson's men surround them."

"And if they don't flee?" Kastor, the bronze knight asked.

"Run them through."

Kastor nodded. He spurred his steed and rode up to the cavalry left of the Talonguard force. By his direction, the riders formed a line in front of the main army and held their lances aloft.

Isaaik rode up behind them. His voice boomed like the roar of a winding horn. "Men of Herongrand! Today you fight for a cause greater than you could ever know. So, hear my voice and let my words guide your hand."

The Talonguard slammed the butts of their spears into the brick and shouted in sync. "Trach'ee, so ne voso!"

"Our enemies are desperate, exhausted, and cold. They are led by a man who cares more for death in glory than the lives of his people. Do not let his wish be granted." Isaaik continued his speech through the army's chants.

In sync once again, "Trach'ee so ne voso!"

"Spare all that you can. Kill those that you must, but do not let that damned general die a martyr tonight!"

"Trach'ee so ne voso!"

"Do not grant him his glory! If he seeks death, than we shall lock him to the prison walls, tighten the chains, and let him live crushed forever under the weight of his own failure! Let that be the hospitality Herongrand grants to those who spill our children's blood."

"Trach'ee so ne voso!"

"Let that be the end of a pathetic man's legend!"Isaaik raised his arm. "Trach'ee so ne voso. . . By the grace of our claws, Herongrand will not be felled again!" He lowered his arm quickly, and the cavalry cracked their reins.

The Talonguard cavalry rode out alongside the bronze knight, spread out to each side of the massive street.

Sanele walked through the darkness with a stride reflecting his calm. Resolve softened his face as he came to a stop. He could no longer hear the stomp of the messenger's horse as it returned to the enemy's side. Sanele glanced to either side of the road. He could not see far in any direction, yet somehow, he knew, "This is it." He took a deep breath and raised his hands in a cone around his mouth as he tilted his head back.

The Eerie prisoners waited restlessly for the return of their general. Then, a sound pierced through the darkness.


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