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WHISPER: Sorray guys! We went away for awhile! mostly I was enjoying camping..... but anywayz!


JEFF: Haay! You stole mah line!

LIU: HAY! Pigz dont eat it cuz dey dont know how! *punches Jeff* Heehee! *runs*

JEFF: *busts out knife* COMERE!!! *runs after Liu*

ZEPHYR: *walks in covered in bruises* I will kill Offender...

EVERYONE: *Stares at Offender*

OFFENDER: Bye Mah Loves! *teleports to da sombrero galaxy!*

BREAKER345: Slenderman break your bones

SLENDY: Ohhh Gawd! NUU! I- i luuuuv mah bones!!!!

WHISPER: Den jump outt of a plane! it'll work!

JEFF: Heehee! *stops running* sounded like you said twerk ;3

SLENDY: *is on plane* Here goes? Nawp not doin it! *about to walk away*

PARACHUTER: GO GO GO! *pushes Slendy out his way*

SLENDY: *SPLAT! on ground* Ooooooooooowwww.....

PARAMEDICS: What tha heck is this thing?! Is t even human???

SLENDY: SHHHH—- *teleports away* *teleports back* Bye bye! *kills dudes* There everything is balanced once more *Teleports to mansion*

BEX: I wanna fight- everyone's fightin but meh *cri cri*

CRY: Did somebody say... Cryyyy????

TOBY: Nu! We said wafflez! *waffles appear* YAY! *eats da waffles* No more diets fo me!!!!!

WHISPER: LIU!!! Springtrap wants to be yo friend! He told me! *hugs Springtrap* You are staying here for evah and evah and evah!

HEATHER: I aint fightin' NO WAY!

BEX: *Glares at everyone* Who wanna-

MASKY: *pops up with boxing gloves on and no shirt* LETS FIGHT!!!

*Spongebob voice* 10 seconds later...


BEX: HAHA! *JUmps up*

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