First Question!!!

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Miku101:  Ben will you go out with me???? You are soooo awsome ( Better than Jeff)

( I posted ths ob another site too so I get questions and stuffz)

BEN: Ha! Jeff she likes me more!

JEFF: How do you know it's a girl?

BEN:............... Jeff.....  Really

JEFF:  I dont care i'm SEXIER than you

*I go to another room with the camera*

ME: As for Ben's other question NO he won't go out with you * eyes turn white * he's mine  <3

* goes back into the other room *


BEN: WHAT?!?!??  * putting my makeup on*

ME: Where did you get that?!?!?!?!

JEFF: * looking into mirror in the corner * IM SO SEXAY SO SEXAY!!!

ME: Is that my dress???

JEFF:  * Turns around surprised* u-uh nooooooo! It's my man dress!

* jeff feeling embarrassed*

ME: Im going to burn that later.

BEN: Is it a bad time to say that i'm also wearing your bra?

ME: You're what?!?!?!? Bunch a little girls COME HERE!!!!

* ME  running after BEN *

BEN: Cya later guys BYYYEEEZZ!!!!!

Jeff halp she's got meh!!

JEFF: Sorry bro gotta go!!

* BEN getting drug to my room*

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