Bex Dont be a doctor

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BEX: *looks to broken arm* Well then *takes off cast and pops bones into place* All bettah!

HEATHER: Da faq! *shivers in disgust*

BEX: All I did was fix my arm Ive broken so many bones I know how to put them in place XD!!

HEATHER: I wouldnt want you as a docter

JEFF: I would want Bex as a docter! *smiles realllll big*

GODZILLA343: Jeff you need to get rid of that smile *pats back and puts a 'body slam me' note oh his back*

JEFF: What? B-but my smile is perf---

JANE: BODY SLAM! *body slams Jeff*


GODZILLA343: And have yall seen my pet dragon he has 10 heads and breaths black lightning  is over one billion feet tall he always flys away and he kills anything and he's green!

WHISPER: I dont think I hav-..... Oh wait! Is that him?? *points*

GODZILLA343: *looks out window* Yup!  Now I must go, even though he will fly away! *goes outside*

CRAZYLYFE: Its breaking arms day!

SLENDY: But I thought that was yesterday!

WHISPER: Hey, we can still do it again today! 

ALL CP: *goes down snowy slide and breaks arms*

SLENDY: You guys are insane! Im not fixing that!

BEX: *pops bones in place* Ah! Alright IM goin to replace Slendy as doctor... who is next??

EVERYONE: *backs away*

WHISPER: Bex, dont evah becone a doctor!

LIU: Hey wheres Jana? I want to annoy her!

WHISPER: Still at that prom thingy


JANA: *blushes* E-eh? *girl comes back with a guy*

GIRL: Remember him?

JANA: O- Oliver?

OLIVER: Jana?!

JANA: *hugs Oliver* :D

OLIVER: *kisses Jana* :D

JANA: *kisses back* :D


WHISPER: *watching crystal ball* Ooo! Jana reeled in a good one at the prom! Im just suprised he survived Jeff's killing spree!

JEFF: *Jane is still on top of him* What?! I missed one?!??!!

LIU: Calm down bro!

JEFF: NEVAH!!! Im gonna go back to the snowy slide Its the only place that makes me happy... Anyone else want to come?

WHISPER: We already broke our arms today.... but Ill go again!!!

LOVER JOEY:*kart wheels in*  I just wanted to say I love you all *hugs everyone* I hope you love me too.

EVERYONE: We do! ^-^ *hugs back*

LOVER JOEY: Hey would you guys like to have a slumber party at mah house? Anyone can come and It'll be so much fun! We can play any game you want!

CADENCE: ILL COME! *drags Silent by throat* * hugs Joey* (Cadence is depressed a LOT cuz Silent is working on her backstory)

WHISPER: I wanna go!

JINX: I might want to go...

JANE: CAN I GO TOO!? *still sitting on Jefff*


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