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WHISPER: Hii my lovely Kittycorns!!!!

JEFF: Did you just say...  kittycorns???


JEFF: N- no!

WHISPER: Lol youre scared!!! Anyways just in case anyone was wondering I'm going to put Whisper's story up!! Here goes.......

Hi, I'm Whisper and my heart broke because of some certain person, you don't get to know who for personal reasons.  I turned insane and killed my family ( except for my brother ) and while I was killing them I was screaming and laughing.  At the end of it all I left a bloody mess and collected everyone's hearts,  and went away only to meet my brother a year from then as a creepypasta.  My brother soon became a creepypasta after he saw the words " My heart is broken,  can I have yours? " smeared on the wall in blood and he knew it was me. Don't worry if you  hear a whispering in your ear saying " My  heart is broken can I have yours? " It's just me,  Whisper,  coming to add a heart to my collection,  don't worry you won't survive,  and you'll feel as much pain as you can,  just like when my heart broke to pieces. I stitched my lips together afyer killing my family,  I ddid this because I didn't want to scream when I'm killing my next victim,  I wanna hear their heartbeat slowly beating to a stop,  abd their screams are like music to my ears  .

WHISPER: Alright guys that's my story!!  Comment what you think!!


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