Ben's Dare Ooooo!

875 22 3

WHISPER: Hayyy peepz!

Everybody: HII

JEFF: Soooo whats we got?

WHISPER: Ben has a question! lolz

BEN: WOOO! What is it!?!?

WHISPER: Okay so....

Rainbow Yoshi Bear:  *busts through a window* Ben would you rather be a llama and marry Whisper or GIVE ME ALL YOUR GAMES  :3

BEN: U-u-uhhh u-u-ummmm BEALLAMAANDMARRYWHISPER!!!! (0///0)


WHISPER: 0////0 !!

BEN: * Slowly goes upstairs to his room* 

WHISPER: I luv him

Rainbow Yoshi Bear: Everyone knows Whisper.... Everyone knows lol

WHISPER: I think we are going to be good friends   :3

Rainbow Yoshi Bear:   :3 Byeez Guys!!!

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